03-31-2017, 10:06 AM
Skippy took Maxwell’s hand and led him towards the Vampire Kitties gardens. The sun beamed down upon the pair of elves and the swaying grasses whispered their hushed lullabies in the cool evening breeze.
“Maxwell, I”ve got one packet of seeds left,” Skippy called excitedly to his elder brother.
“This has to be the last sowing,” Maxwell replied sadly, “We’re got no more pocket money for any more seeds after this.”
“Don’t worry,” beamed Skippy, “I’ve saved the best to last. Look what I got left!”
Skippy stretched his hand aloft and held out a brightly-coloured packet of wonderly multi-coloured seeds. Maxwell looked down at Skippy’s hand and his face beamed with delight upon seeing the multitude of colours upon the packet.
“What are these?” Maxwell asked curiously.
“It’s a packet of donkey seeds,” beamed Skippy happily, “I’ve got a packet of donkey seeds!”
Skippy clapped and jumped with delight and passed the packet to Maxwell, for a closer inspection. Maxwell turned the front of the packet towards him, read the contents carefully and then giggled to himself.
“These aren’t donkey seeds,” he chuckled mischievously, “These are assorted seeds.”
Maxwell pointed to the word “Ass” with the pad of his forefinger, printed boldly across the front of the packet of seeds.
Skippy’s face broke into a whimper and his disappointed gaze fell to the ground.
“I so wanted to plant some donkeys” he explained, “I thought an ass was a donkey.”
“Let’s plant them anyway, Skippy,” beamed Maxwell, “These are our last seeds and so they are bound to be really special.”
Skippy’s face began to light up at the thought of a wondrous colourful display of brightly-coloured flowers and soon, all thoughts of donkey-bearing plants disappeared from his mind.
“I think, Maxwell,” he replied to his brother, “these are going to be the best of them all!”
Maxwell smiled back at his excited little brother and winked.
“Indeed, Skippy, I think you might be right!”
Within a day, a riot of assorted-coloured flowers had sprouted and spread throughout the garden.
“I wonder what kittens will fruit from these,” Skippy pondered aloud.
“I’m not sure,” replied Maxwell in wonderment, “but, whatever appears, there is bound to be a multitude of colours.”
Together, Maxwell and Skippy stood back as the multi-coloured flowers began to wilt, causing a cascade of vividly-coloured petals to fall into the tall grasses. A small tear began to form in the corner of Skippy’s eye and he held his big brother’s hand tightly and looked up into his reassuring face.
“The flowers are dying,” he sobbed and he pointed to the multitude of wilting petals, laying upon the ground.
Maxwell held his hand tightly and smiled down at Skippy.
“Circle of life,” he whispered, as a multitude of tiny buds began to swell in place of each passing flower.
Within a few seconds, the buds had fattened and blacked in colour. However, the tip of each bud retained the same vibrant colour as the flower that was originally in its place.
And then, one by one, the swollen buds burst open like pea pods and a black vampire kitten box gently dropped to the ground. Soon the garden was a sea of sombre-coloured vampire cats. However, each cat’s eye retained the same vibrant colour as the flower that once bore it. The two elves stood watching in awe and then turned to smile at each other.
“They’re beautiful,” Skippy grinned to his bigger brother.
Maxwell held onto his brother’s hand tightly and returned his smile.
“Our last seeds were the best, eh?” Maxwell whispered to his little brother.
However, his words were lost in the smooth swish of gentle rustles that the swaying grasses sung. The flowers had finally yielded their kitten fruits to the gardens and lay waiting to be picked up and loved by those who passed by.