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Full Version: How to break partnership
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I thought if I sent one cat to the Menagerie that would automatically break the partnership -- turns out that's not so.

And I thought there was a drink or food you could buy to break a partnership, but after going to the store, looking in the front where the updater is, and the food area, and all over, I couldn't find anything that does it.

How do you break a partnership?
hey, we have a free break up drink in our customer pavillion outside the store to the right!! (all the free stuff is there!)
(03-30-2017 07:54 PM)Callie Cline Wrote: [ -> ]hey, we have a free break up drink in our customer pavillion outside the store to the right!! (all the free stuff is there!)

You might be interested to know why I didn't see this OBVIOUS thing!

I had a memory of this drink to break up partnerships inside the main store building to the right, I think it used to be there a year or more ago.

When you land, you don't realize you are "in a pavilion" where "there is stuff". That's because it's all grey squares, or is for me. A huge muddle of trees and muck. So your instinct is to step forward and try to get into the store to look things, not turn back and see where you landed. Glad to know what's there now!
Welcome BACK to KittyCats! There have been lots of good changes. We can now break up partnerships for free anytime (no longer costs after the first 24 hours) and we can "be" our cats with the Cat Avatar feature.
aww glad you found it and yes, welcome back!! much love to you!!
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