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Full Version: Just asking a small favor (special birth kitties)
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(02-22-2012 06:23 PM)Corey Somme Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think anyone was "whining" but asking for more notice so they to could join in the fun in the future.

Looks like whining to me, nobody forced people to boost their cat's.

I never boosted any cats, but in general I breed very little. I just asked for more notice nothing more. Sorry you feel that is whining.

I have loads of respect for kittycats and I do appreciate what they do, and yes this treat was awesome of them to do. I would just like a bit of notice next time so I can set a pair to breed - even if I do not get the special kitty it would be nice to try.
Yes I agree it is not whining just love for the kitties and this special.
It is not very kind and considerating to put this away as whining.
People are just enthousiastic and like to be part of the fun.
And I'm sure by making this special gift KittyCatS wanted to include all of us in this treat:-)
I agree that more notice would be great! And I don't think anybody is whining. The KittyCats team has always been sincere and encouraging about asking for feedback, and as Callie proved higher up in this thread, they are always listening.

So here's my two cents: In my opinion, KittyCats did a solid favor for the secondary market with this promotion.

Breeders with live cats had a choice:

*They could take their live kitties that were close to 100 percent love off the market to try for Mardi Gras cats themselves (this is what I did, and it actually produced my only Mardi Gras cat thus far, though I still have a few "hopefuls" that will be hearing Barry White tonight)

*Or they could leave them in the various Love Shacks and stalls (and even mark them up a bit, heh heh) and watch them be snatched up by others who wanted a chance. It had the market talking, and buzzing, and MOVING CATS - giving some breeders a chance to recoup from the sales slump that always accompanies a big KittyCats special cat sale. KittyCats also scored a win - I'm sure sales of those Love vitamins skyrocketed!

So yes, there was frustration - but it showed some really innovative thinking on the part of the KittyCats team, as a way to boost secondary-market sales and the community overall.

And as always, the cats' costumes were jam-packed full of adorable. Smile I'd give the KittyCats team an A-plus on this one.

A *little* more notice (and possibly holding the promotion over a weekend, though obviously it's hard to do a "Fat Tuesday" promo on Saturday, lol) would be the rainbow sprinkles on an brilliant cupcake that was already frosted with awesome. I really hope the KC team tucks this idea away for another time when the secondary market seems to be lagging.
A bit more notice or a week long promotion would be appreciated. Super cute idea and smart thinking to move cats, I agree it has been a beneficial event for the secondary market. Thanks to KCs team for that Wink

I question the success rate of the random concept yet again however since Ive birthed approx 10-15 cats myself and no specials...guess i will will have to live with this. That would be my only disappointment...and for the record, I'm not whining, simply offering feedback on my experience Tongue
(02-23-2012 12:20 PM)Khea Karas Wrote: [ -> ]...and for the record, I'm not whining, simply offering feedback on my experience Tongue

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