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Since my cats aren't at the Saga space I thought I'd give a quick update on the tests I'm running.

Domino 4 v Flame 3
This is a confirmation proof because although Saga was showing Flame 3 as recessive Ivy was unable to locate a chart.
So far I have had 1 Flame 3 that did not hide Domino 4 and 4 Domino 4's one of which I am waiting to pass hid, shes holding onto it at the moment.

Patch1 v Bandit 2
3 Bandit 2's, 2 tested and wrong hid
2 Patch 1's
Will be opening a patch and the 3rd Bandit 2 to test on Monday.

Flame 3 v Coco 5
3 Flame 3 boxes will open one to test on Monday

Smokey 4 v Flame 5
Again this is a confirmation proof as Saga says Flame 5 is rec to Smokey 4 but Ivy can't locate a copy of the proof.
So far 3 Smokey 4's one tested and didn't hide Flame 5 plus 1 Flame 5, the male from the pairing ages after his breed this weekend so I'll pop boxes of each fur to test on Monday.

My cat numbers ran a little high so I put off opening boxes to check hids until I reduced my numbers a bit, several of my projects have yielded what I needed so I'm moving those cats on and holding off on opening continuations until I get these tests out of the way.
Blancheneige 09-05 shows SMO 4 :
[Image: 0790a-37b710a1-e624-4c10-afe8-88be6ac9fb14.png]

and she hides a non genesis fur from Milady :
[Image: 0790a-367fbb6e-8118-4d52-82e9-6247ca8c8e00.png]

Majella 09 shows FLA 4 :
[Image: 0790a-a992eb7e-6eed-4db3-a54f-51c44e0d1779.png]

and hides Dia 5, proof given by Blancheneige 09-05-05 :
[Image: 0790a-841f329f-bbe1-49d2-9b61-b42bc00510f6.png]

CQFD Smile
No idea if this is proven yet.

[Image: 36959727406_23ebd8a19a_o.png]
I'm so excited! Flame 5 is recessive to Flame 1!
From the first time I tried to lay out our information on the genesis furs, I wondered if the genesis 2015s would span all of the previous gen furs, especially considering the dominant position of Domino 5.

And it's true.

[Image: 36318623564_2a700dee04_b.jpg]

I mated a Flame 5 with a Flame 1. The offspring, Patron, showed Flame 1. When mated with a recessive-furred cat (Martina the Pandi Flame), it pulls the hidden fur, showing the Flame 5 on the kitten.

Flame 5 is the most recessive of the genesis furs.
Summary of Aramis's proof: 4Flame is dominant to 5Diamond (picture 4, Blancheneige 09-05 & Majella 09's kitten), because 5Diamond can only have come from father Majella 09, because mother Blancheneige 09-05 (showing 4Smokey) hides non-Genesis, as demonstrated by her having had non-Genesis offspring (picture 2, Blancheneige 09-05 offspring).
Congrats on the proofs everyone

Aramis, look forward to seeing if the pull was done by the Smokey IV or the hidden non genesis fur, if its the Smokey IV that slots the Diamond V between the Flame IV and Smokey IV quite nicely.

Kayleigh, thanks for the proof I don't think we have seen that specific one but Smokey IV just needs testing against Smokey I for placement Smile

Ivy, way to go! I can knock that confirmation proof for Smokey IV / Flame V on the head as its not needed since they are either side of Flame I

Its amazing how well this is going thanks to such a stellar group effort, at this rate we'll have these sorted well before the next lot come along.
hi Arwen,
As Libwen nicely summarized, diamond 5 is inherited from dad Majella 09 (coming from gran mother Majella, a starter). As smokey 4 is prooven to be recessive to flame 4 (proof done by my self years ago, and fully prooved in the list i posted), Blancheneige 09-05-05 (... on the picture, sorry) may hide either smokey 4 or Blancheneige 09-05 hiden non genesis fur.
diamond 5 is prooven dominant to smokey 4, proof done by myself also :
DIA 5 > SMO 4
Vienna 05 SMO 5 + DIA 5
Thea 07-11 DOM 4 + SMO 4
Vienna 05-07 DIA 5 > SMO 4
Anyway, ranking sequence is effectively the following : flame 4 > diamond 5 > smokey 4. And genesis ranking chart looks now like this :
[Image: 0790c-6735c92d-cef1-45e1-828d-a3e0e69663f6.png]
for information i give here a copy of my chart showing my ongoing tests (color arrows)
[Image: 0790c-324475df-6788-4242-8c54-6c0863369f20.png]
Oh Sorry Aramis Diamond 5 is not showing as dominant to Smokey 4 on Ivys graphic which is what I based my own charts on. The only info until now for Diamond 5 was rec to Coco II.
If that was one of the proofs added in your long list I apologise again since as I said before the sheer number was rather overwhelming so in the absence of accompanying summaries I didn't look at them.
I'll just stay quiet now until I have a couple of spare hours and a clear head in which to look at them.
Summary of Aramis's 5Dia- is- dominant- to- 4Smo proof (post #87 in this thread):

Thea 07-11 (showing Gen4Dom) must hide Gen4Smo ( ) because mate Steamie (showing Gen4Fla) is a LE starter cat ( ) and starter cats always hide non-Genesis, and their offspring Steamie 06 shows Gen4Smo.

Vienna 05 (showing Gen5Smo) therefore must hide the Gen5Dia shown in the offspring she and Thea 07-11 produced ( ).

Since Thea 07-11 must have passed one of his furs to this offspring, and we know his shown Gen4Dom is dominant to the kitten's shown Gen5Dia (sorry, there's no quick proof of that*), the kitten's shown Gen5Dia must hide Gen4Smo. Therefore Gen5Dia is dominant to Gen4Smo.

*Going from my own notes (or Aramis's flow chart above), we know 4Dom > 3Fla > 2Smo > 5Smo > 5Dia.

It's great this thread contains so many ways of tracking the data. We have spread sheets, text, charts....

And now I notice one of Kayleigh's cats is named + Libgwen. Big Grin Heart
Genesis Smokey IV is dominant to Smokey I

Mom Magnolia shows Smokey IV
Dad Hann shows Tonkinese Blue Mink
Baby shows Smokey I

therefore Mom hides Smokey I, proving Smokey IV is dominant to Smokey I

[Image: bdef51b76812dca2414718930db0b8fa.png]

This places Smokey IV between Smokey I and Coco I

Haven't been on for about a month in the forum and haven't kept up so not sure about anything else. I currently have these so if someone could tell me what I should test next, I will. Otherwise I'll menag them. I have a lot of boxes so if one of these should test against something not showing, let me know what it is and I'll check if I have it.

girls: Smokey I, Smokey IV
boys: Flame I, Diamond I, Smokey IV, Diamond V

I'll take a look at Ivy's latest genesis list chart and see which ones fit in that have been listed here. Have to study that for a bit since it's been awhile and I need to catch up.
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