02-18-2012, 05:25 PM
Follow the slurl below and you can take a look at the auction lineup. If you decide to bid, take a look at the minimum or high bid on the board and drop a notecard in the mailbox by your kitty with the high bid you want to offer. Make sure your name is included. Minimum and high bids posted will be updated daily. Contact Emeralld Resident with any questions. If you would like to reserve a panel for the silent auction they are only 25L per panel and if your kitty does not sell your payment will be refunded. Tips are appreciated if your kitty sells but are not mandatory.
- Easy Discreet Bidding
- Time to Consider Your Bid
- No Public Bid Wars
- Panel 1, Panel 13,...All Have Fair Chance of Bid
- Not online? You can still participate.
Follow the slurl below and you can take a look at the auction lineup. If you decide to bid, take a look at the minimum or high bid on the board and drop a notecard in the mailbox by your kitty with the high bid you want to offer. Make sure your name is included. Minimum and high bids posted will be updated daily. Contact Emeralld Resident with any questions. If you would like to reserve a panel for the silent auction they are only 25L per panel and if your kitty does not sell your payment will be refunded. Tips are appreciated if your kitty sells but are not mandatory.