Still have some kitties for sale. If any are not listed as for sale please let me know which one it is and I will fix it ASAP.
I keep looking at these .... so many that I don't have yet. It's very tempting and I will probably give in soon. :-)
Updated the image in the thread. Kitties still for sale at 500L that includes the rares.
Just want to remind people that these kitties are retired, and sick.
You can either feed them 7 days on normal kitty food or perma-pet them in order to make them well again.
Updated the image so there is no confusion what is left. Please refresh the post if the image hasn't updated for you.
Still have some collection cats for the taking!
I still have some of these for sale come and get them!
If these don't sell within the week I'll be putting them in the menagerie. So come and get them while you can!