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Full Version: Winter Wonderland Decoration Contest Winners!
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What a fun contest! There were so many wonderful displays showing off everyone creativity and holiday spirit! Between the panel votes and the public vote, it was hard picking the winners! We ended up with a few ties! Here are your winners:

1st place - 25,000K$
12. HappyDaize Resident: Community Vote - 21, Panel Vote - 21. Total = 42

2nd place - 18,750K$ -TIE
20. CarlottaAdagio Resident: Community Vote - 18, Panel Vote - 19. Total = 37
21. Pam Tigerauge: Community Vote - 17, Panel Vote - 20. Total = 37

3rd place - 12,500K$ - TIE
1. Neckcadaver Resident: Community Vote - 17, Panel Vote - 19. Total = 36
18. Winter Phoenix and Kayla Woodrunner: Community Vote - 20, Panel Vote - 16. Total = 36

Congratulations to our winners, and thank you to everyone who participated!
wooHooo congrats to everyone great great builds!! and thanks kittycats for hosting and generousity
Great job everyone! Congrats winners!
Félicitations aux vainqueurs Smile
All of the igloos were absolutely lovely, and so creatively decorated. It was a joy to walk through and view them all. Smile
I'm so happy that you enjoyed my version of 'The Night Before Christmas' with Santa's Cats. Thank you to Kittycats and to all of you.
Congratulations to each of the contest winners, and warmest holiday wishes to all y'all.
Thank you all so very much. I am stunned. For me the KittyCats Winter/Christmas events are the KittyCats highlight in the year. I am so happy I could participate and that you enjoyed my little story. Smile
Congratulations to all winners and thanks a lot to the KC team.

Merry Christmas to you all! Heart
Congratulation! to all the excellant builders and designers!
It was a fun event! Congratulations to everyone!

Winter took a pic of all the builds during the voting and posted it in the Showroom

Poor guy, took awhile to post because the online forum went down just as he was finishing the post so he had to start from scratch the next day. But he did a great job!
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