11-01-2016, 10:32 PM
Get a jump on your holiday shopping with cute winter and Christmas themed kitties! 
♂ SnowBall - Winter 2012 PERMA - OFFERS WELCOME
♀ CookieCat - Yummy
♀ CookieCat - Tasty (x2)
♂ CookieCat - Tasty
♂ CookieCat - Scrumptious
♂ NutcrackerSweetS! - Platinum Prince (PETITE!), in the box
♂ New Year Peace - Water, in the box
♂ New Year Peace - Water (TOY!), in the box
If you don't like the price, please make an offer! NC work best as IMs often cap.

♂ SnowBall - Winter 2012 PERMA - OFFERS WELCOME
♀ CookieCat - Yummy
♀ CookieCat - Tasty (x2)
♂ CookieCat - Tasty
♂ CookieCat - Scrumptious
♂ NutcrackerSweetS! - Platinum Prince (PETITE!), in the box
♂ New Year Peace - Water, in the box
♂ New Year Peace - Water (TOY!), in the box
If you don't like the price, please make an offer! NC work best as IMs often cap.