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Full Version: Odyssey Galactic eyes
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Looks dom to Odyssey Bellini but not definative unless his is popped Smile
[Image: af525d3ea8decab15a761b5b5b5d5675.png]
I wasn't thinking or I would have paired with an Onyx eye I have available to see what happens. Next week I will. =)
Just found out Odyssey Galactic is dominant to Moss eye.
[Image: e14066b98d170c9be4da22e3a2497d85.png]
I do not know what this baby hides, it was just born but Odyssey Galactic is dominant to Fancie Rose Diamond at least.

[Image: bf76834f3c28369f5171f4b48a236ee4.png]

[Image: a6e089e42c32da09ecf5004eb015a278.png]
(11-28-2016 11:14 AM)Peaches Latrell Wrote: [ -> ]I do not know what this baby hides, it was just born but Odyssey Galactic is dominant to Fancie Rose Diamond at least.

Oh WOW Peaches, you have been busy, and your cats are cooperating well!

Let us look into what your pedigrees tell us:
I will reverse their order to simplify the reading

[Image: a6e089e42c32da09ecf5004eb015a278.png]

Mom Alana shows Mint Julep eyes.
Dad Reynald shows Ody Bellini eyes
The kitten shows Fancie Rose Diamond, which is known to be dominant to Ody Bellini, and therefore must be Alana's hidden eye.

[Image: bf76834f3c28369f5171f4b48a236ee4.png]

Mom Alana shows Mint Julep, and hides Fancie Rose Diamond as proven above.
Dad is a starter
The kitten shows the new Ody Galactic eyes

This proves that Ody Galactic is dominant to Fancie Rose Diamond.
Pulling the kitten's hidden may place Ody Galactic dominant to Mint Julep as well.
(11-28-2016 11:14 AM)Peaches Latrell Wrote: [ -> ]I do not know what this baby hides, it was just born but Odyssey Galactic is dominant to Fancie Rose Diamond at least.

Good work, Peaches! Your proof has been added to the forum based charts.
Passes all my stubborn kitties to Peaches since hers are playing so nicely today Smile
congrats AstridSolace and Peaches. It is so awesome that the information is coming in so fast! things are narrowing quickly!

Laughing with Arwen, we should all pass our kittens to Peaches.
yes, pass ALL the kitties to me...Big Grin
Uh huh, passes Peaches the Kibble bill along with the kitties, lol
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