Pop that baby and lets see what she hides. Burmilla Blue would certainly knock it down a lot
Arwen, thank you so much for digging that one out for me. I love clear charts! Especially one-chart proofs.
Cool, Laura. If that baby turns out to have Burmilla Blue hid (and not the ancetral Blue Marble), it will knock down quite a few furs.
Waiting for that kitten to grow up. Same parents:
Oh those kitties love to play with us, its like we are mice here for their pleasure to tease and torture
Meanwhile.... this doesn't really prove a whole lot.
Mom Foxie Blondie is pure for generations
Dad hides Blue Marble both sides
This doesn't prove anything either except how stubborn I am
Reven expect an incoming Jinni next time I see you inworld.
proves Scottish is dominant to Burmi Blue! and that your Jinni hider is good!
And that Buster is bred into every possible test line!
Wow! some familial lines going down here
Laura's LS Burmilla Blue baby has become a grandfather now. HIs daughter Morgayne is also now a grandmother
hoping your black bengal ends up hiding the Burmilla as that would cut things down quite a bit
Arwen's Baby Seanan has become a grandfather too.
It's fun watching the evolving family lines.
So right now the spread is between Pandie Fawn (due to Australian Mist Dark Choco just being found recessive to that)
and Australian Mist Blue marble.
Some 20 eyes or so.
My Burmilla blue hiding starter has a siaimese chocolate Tortie mate this week so I'll post what they pass if anything.