KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Yo ho ho! A Pirate's Ship for me (and others!)
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Thank you so much for the awesome Fall KittyCatS Collections! They are perfect and wonderful and I can't say enough awesome stuff about them. Your hard work on them is incredibly appreciated.

There is one suggestion that I need to make, because I need this in my KittyCatS life *hehe* and every since I envisioned it, I cannot get it out of my mind. My sweet little Pirate kitties NEED a ship! Imagine it now, little Pirate kitties jumping up on the different decks and on the lookout platform on the mast of the ship... You see it don't you... it made you smile didn't it. Pirate kitties definitely need a ship!!

Also... how about some Treasure Chest beds? What Pirate kitty doesn't want to snuggle up in a treasure chest full of loot? Heck, I would love to snuggle up in a treasure chest full of loot!

So, the suggestions are out there. Thanks for reading and if you have a similar thought, definitely reply and lets see what we can't do here!

Have a purrrfect day everyone!
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