I've just realized that the new eyes in this collection are GUARANTEED.
So this means that these kitties won't be hiding any other kind of new eye.
I'm rather afraid that with the masses of Vals that'll be producing shortly we'll soon be flooded with these eyes and they will rapidly become undesirable.
I do hope they will be reasonably recessive like the gerbera eyes so they won't tend to take over and will keep their value for a while.
(02-08-2012 08:20 AM)anna acanthus Wrote: [ -> ]I've just realized that the new eyes in this collection are GUARANTEED.
So this means that these kitties won't be hiding any other kind of new eye.
I'm rather afraid that with the masses of Vals that'll be producing shortly we'll soon be flooded with these eyes and they will rapidly become undesirable.
I do hope they will be reasonably recessive like the gerbera eyes so they won't tend to take over and will keep their value for a while.
As far as I know, shouldn't they be like the raindear kittys and the starry baby blues? Where the raindears could hide the eye but not always?
Hi Hi,
No, Syn. As stated in the note cards (and it was the same for the Lazy Dayzies with the Gerbera eyes), the Valentines collections are guaranteed to carry one of the new eye traits (not necessarily the one they are showing as their visible costume eye, though).
Personally, I like this way of doing things - instead of paying 750 (WAY over the price for a normal starter) just to end up with a passion-eyed burmese blue or a pink ice-eyed siamese seal
This way, everyone can get one of the new eyes - it worked fine with the Lazy Dayzies, and I am sure it'll work fine again. Not everyone will actually breed them, and of those that do, some will focus on putting them on a particular fur, some on another, some with this or that trait etc.etc. Maybe the eyes won't be worth a fortune in themselves, but they will keep having some value once these kitties grow old, as the eyes are then retired and won't be in starters.
I am just sorry that only the ambrosias carry the new shade. -Even if I have an ambrosia myself, it doesn't seem very fair. Some people spent 30-40.000 lindens (!!!) without getting ambrosias, and some got one or even two in their first try, and now make a fortune on re-selling them. The word "Starter-lottery" keeps coming to my mind...

I think it is cool these V-Day cats came with guaranteed unique traits this makes them so much more valuable to me.
As for the amount of Love Leopard kitties available from the vendor I think indeed it is a little too much this time which ofcourse makes it harder to get the ambrosia's.
Hopefully in the future vendors like these will not hold 14 different kitties:-)
Having said that I believe also in a few months any cat from this vendor, when no longer for sale, will be worth so much more and therefore I think special kitties are a good investment better even than investing in new furs or traits when they are a hype.
I'm shocked if I see people dare to ask 40k - 60k for just a new fur without any traits I refuse to pay or ask such and I find this rather shameless.
We always have a choice what we do and do not want to spend on or participate with and the new shade will be available in no time on the market anyway.
So yes what is wrong and what is right from that perspective.
And as for those with luck to have the desired special or not the exact same thing goes for new furs and traits.
Though in my opinion the value of a special kitty is way more steady and is increasing over time no matter what they hide.
I gotta to say, I have never had any luck with these vendors, and i never get any of the rare ones. I thought, okay.. maybe I am not spending enough, and if I increase the amount of cat i buy the better my chances. I will not say how much I spent on this one particular vendor, but it made me sick to my stomach after opening over 60 boxes to find that I had NONE of the rare kitties. I will never be able to make all that money back.. I ended up having to buy one off of someone else to 25k. Just add it to the tab...
I'm sure most of you will say "well sheesh, you didn't have to spend all the money you did on them," and well I would have to say yes I did, because how else will I be able to keep up with those who have all these new traits?? All the new traits cause the market to crash because then people start throwing money all over the place to get them.. and everyone forgets about all the other cats.. The value of a 9 traited cat has decreased significantly since I began breeding kitties, esp if it doesn't carry any new traits.
So, it was imperative that I try to get one of these rare kitties in order to have something that will sell in my cattery...
However, this was the last time I will buy from these vendors as well, as Khea previously stated in her post. As, I ended up having to buy from someone who had extra anyways. I love KittyCatS and everything they stand for, I love the community, and I love the cats, and by no means do I mean any disrespect to anyone, but this is the way I feel and I will stand by it.
Well it certainly has got out of hand this time. All this money wasted just to have a chance of getting a guaranteed new shade - I'm so sorry to hear how many were disappointed .
The reason i didn't buy that many is that i realized they wouldn't give any of the other new eyes.
Anyhow, what's important is all the other new traits you have a high chance of obtaining now and as for the Ambrosia kitties, well plenty have them now so the Twinkle shade won't be that much of an event. A Balinese or other would though ... :
However i really do think there ought to be some recompense system for those giving that much money to the Biz : for example, after 20 fruitless buys maybe the client could be rewarded with the kitty he wants.
I refuse to believe KC has bad intentions with this vendor and I'm sure they monitor how this vendor worked out for us.
But from past and current behaviour towards us I just don't believe KC are a bunch of monsters who are forcing us to gamble.
We always have our own responsibility and I think they don't deserve this.
They work day and night to give us a pleasant KittyCats experiences, they make long hours, are devoted to their product and the innovation of it and not to mention to us, their community.
hey all a quick note to let you know we will be replying to this thread and thank you for your input

it will take a little bit of time due to the stuff happening with events and the birthday week stuff but we will reply.

(02-09-2012 03:50 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: [ -> ]I refuse to believe KC has bad intentions with this vendor and I'm sure they monitor how this vendor worked out for us.
But from past and current behaviour towards us I just don't believe KC are a bunch of monsters who are forcing us to gamble.
We always have our own responsibility and I think they don't deserve this.
They work day and night to give us a pleasant KittyCats experiences, they make long hours, are devoted to their product and the innovation of it and not to mention to us, their community.
I have a S*** ton of respect for KC's, and no where in this thread has anyone called them monsters. I respect their hard work, and long hours put in to the design of these cats and they are by far the BEST breedable in SL.
Technically, yes we were forced to gamble, granted it was our choice to spend the money, but how else are we to keep up with the market as it is? Myself, and lots of other people have invested hundreds of dollars into cats, food, vitamins, and other odds in ends for our cats. Our shops our slowly falling off the market with the uprising of several new and very rare traits and cats. Such as the Ambrosia kitties. I have not sold a cat in almost 2 weeks, and I don't expect to at this point. I have tried everything I could to get my cats to pull the new traits so that I can keep up with everyone and I have failed to do so, and its not because I dont know how to because I have been educated by some of the best and most respected breeders in the community. So, for me this is now a complete waste of money. My last attempt at claiming a rare kitty in hopes to breed out the new fur so I can save my shop from utter failure caused me to spend way more than I should have.. yeah yeah I know my fault.
For all of you who have the rare kitties who are reading this and thinking I am crazy, please put yourselves in my shoes, and of those who feel the same before you judge us. Think about how ticked of you would be if you were in the same situation.
As I stated, I love KC and all their hard work, and appreciate all they do for us and the community, but maybe this could have been handled a bit differently, for example buy 20 get the rare, or something like that. Something a little more fair.