Wanted: Unicorn kitty for a pet. Perhaps two. I didn't find out/see them til today and I want one. No matter what gender, etc as it will only be a pet not breeding. Please contact in world. I've been all over can't find one.
Darling Melody (name not 'resident')
If you don't need to breed one, you may try waiting for another month. People who bred them to try to find new traits will begin to have solved the breeding puzzles and will begin to sell "used" "extras". There's a window of time where these used cats are cheaper on the secondary market before they begin to be marked up as collectables. Right now, I'm seeing more used Crazy Love and Love Birds, but the UniKorns and Manekis will begin to make their appearances on love tables.
(05-31-2016 08:13 PM)Jag Jetcity Wrote: [ -> ]If you'd like a new boxed one, and don't want to wait for one, I have some in my store for the same price as they were in the KittyCats store.
can you pass me a lm directly to the store inworld please as we wandered around that sim for over an hour looking in every store and couldnt fin unicorn kittens
Melodie Lorefield Spector is my inworld name