KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Wanted: CALENDAR CATS!
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I am collecting pictures of the finest, funniest, cutest cats on the grid to make a wall-calendar. The calendar will be 2-prim and given out for free everywhere. I am just doing this fun and hope you want to participate!

The number of traits or type of fur doesn't matter of course. You can also have several cats in the picture. It is a big plus if the picture depicts the feeling of a particular month! Your cat/s and name will be mentioned in a notecard.

The size of the calendar will be 1.3 meter wide and 1 meter tall.

* Simply name the photo the month's name, for example: "APRIL"
* No text/logotypes or similar in the picture (for a streamlined design)
* Photoshopped pictures are fine
* Maximum submissions is 12, one for each month.

If you don't want to upload a lot of pictures to SL for a lot of money, you can send me the pictures by e-mail to "raiyah @ gmail . com" (remove the spaces). Please contact me inworld if you did, cause my e-mail inbox is a mess.

I will announce here when I am drowning in pictures and are unable to take more. Heart


Oh I should probably add an expected time-frame for the project. I have already got two really good candidates for two months, and since january is soon over already, I intend to finish this within the next two days, maybe sooner, so DON'T WAIT if you have pictures lying around!!!!
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