What a fun contest! We really enjoyed seeing how creative everyone was with their collar designs! it was definitely tough to pick a winner, and in the end it was a three-way tie!
1st place - 10,000K$
BrendaLee Fredriksson: Community Vote - 10, Panel Vote - 12. Total = 22
Pam Tigerauge: Community Vote - 11, Panel Vote - 11. Total = 22
Ivy Lane: Community Vote - 12, Panel Vote - 10. Total = 22
2nd place - 7,500K$
Fenris Ash: Community Vote - 9, Panel Vote - 9. Total = 18
3rd place - 5,000K$
Pearl Admiral: Community Vote - 7, Panel Vote - 8. Total = 15
Congratulations to our winners, and thank you to everyone who participated!

(03-27-2016 09:04 PM)Kitten Longmeadow Wrote: [ -> ]2nd place - 7,500K$
Fenris Ash: Community Vote - 9, Panel Vote - 9. Total = 18
Congratulations to our winners, and thank you to everyone who participated! 
Holy whiskers, I'm falling over in surprise! Thank you!!! My kitties thank you!!
Whooo congrats to every one!!!!!!!!!! and ty sooooooo much for your love and support!
congrats to everyone!! it was hard to vote!! loved seeing the creativity!!

Congrats all! Would love to see pictures of the winning collars, as you couldn't tell which ones belonged to whom at the contest

(03-27-2016 09:04 PM)Kitten Longmeadow Wrote: [ -> ]What a fun contest! We really enjoyed seeing how creative everyone was with their collar designs! it was definitely tough to pick a winner, and in the end it was a three-way tie!
1st place - 10,000K$
BrendaLee Fredriksson: Community Vote - 10, Panel Vote - 12. Total = 22
Pam Tigerauge: Community Vote - 11, Panel Vote - 11. Total = 22
Ivy Lane: Community Vote - 12, Panel Vote - 10. Total = 22
2nd place - 7,500K$
Fenris Ash: Community Vote - 9, Panel Vote - 9. Total = 18
3rd place - 5,000K$
Pearl Admiral: Community Vote - 7, Panel Vote - 8. Total = 15
Congratulations to our winners, and thank you to everyone who participated! 
Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me, and congratulations to all the other winners!

Congrats to the winners! Wonderful designs!
Congratulations winners and thanks for voting. =)
(03-28-2016 12:11 AM)Jag Jetcity Wrote: [ -> ]Congrats all! Would love to see pictures of the winning collars, as you couldn't tell which ones belonged to whom at the contest 
This is mine: Copper with chrysoprase, amber and amethyst, in Celtic knots. You can wear it all year round!
(03-29-2016 08:58 AM)Fenris Ash Wrote: [ -> ] (03-28-2016 12:11 AM)Jag Jetcity Wrote: [ -> ]Congrats all! Would love to see pictures of the winning collars, as you couldn't tell which ones belonged to whom at the contest 
This is mine: Copper with chrysoprase, amber and amethyst, in Celtic knots. You can wear it all year round!
Thanks for posting a picture of your collar! It is lovely and so detailed!