KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: 180 Days later! Who knew?
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In rl I am a cat lover and my partner (WAS) not so much....180 days ago we got out first kitties.( Firestorm 5) they say, the rest is history....He is now what I call a "Closet Cat Lover" ;)and I am just rediculous and obsessed with the whole kitty cat world in SLCool....With over 30 live kitties on our parcel and a few for sale...we are hooked and true addicts to the KittyCatS here in SL. Is there a twelve step program available? Smile

We can't say enough about how endearing they are, how very much enjoyment we receive in having these little characters in our daily lives and the wonderful
people we have met through them.

A big Thank You to all the staff and helpers associated with the KittyCatS enterprise.

We are Smoke N Kat....HELLOWink

We will SOON be announcing a new service, we hope the community will welcome and appreciate. Please stay tuned for future updates and announcements.
welcome and we are so happy to hear you are finding enjoyment with the kitties!! Smile yay!!
Welcome to KittyCats!! There is a 12 step program...on how to get more kitties...Auctions LOL Just kidding, but it is very hard to not purchase when you see one that you simply must have Big Grin
UPDATE!!! As in rl so do sl lives change unexpetadly Blush Confused Dodgy ...Sorry to say I will not be able to offer that new service but, who knows what will happen next..was not expecting this and won't be expecting the next big change...all corners lead to a new path..Glad you all are here and I can join in the fun of KittyCatS with everyone...MEOW...Thank You all. Heart Hugs to all the magnificent and wonderfully caring staff associated with this organization and it's wonderfully helpful clientele.
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