lol, cracking up! It's perfect!
(02-17-2016 01:27 PM)Kayla Woodrunner Wrote: [ -> ]lol, cracking up! It's perfect!
TY and I know! I want a toy sooo bad! lol
It is. It's the perfect use of the Love Bird. Everybody will want one for Talk like a Pirate Day.
(02-17-2016 03:07 PM)Ivy Norsk Wrote: [ -> ]It is. It's the perfect use of the Love Bird. Everybody will want one for Talk like a Pirate Day.
Funny thing is, the second I saw it at the kc shop I thought....OMG PIRATE KITTY BIRD! I taught her to say Arrrrg, and It's a pirates life for me. I should teach her more, then she will be all set for talk like a pirate day!
This is bloody brilliant! Now I want a birdy too! xD
i wondered if anyone would make this connection!
(02-17-2016 04:04 PM)jc aferdita Wrote: [ -> ]This is bloody brilliant! Now I want a birdy too! xD
Everyone should have a pirate kitty! (and a giant plate of cookies for those long sea voyages of plundering) AAAAARRRRRGGGG Matey!
(02-17-2016 05:37 PM)Callie Cline Wrote: [ -> ]i wondered if anyone would make this connection! bravo!
Great minds Callie! (or mental patients think alike lol) I'm having a lot of fun with her.
Congrats on your oh so cute kitty! Great picture!
(02-18-2016 01:15 AM)Jelly Supply Wrote: [ -> ]Congrats on your oh so cute kitty! Great picture!
It would have been a cool idea if they had a special baby that was the green toy size. Then we all could be pirates year round. I had bought some more hoping to get the toy green, but I never have luck getting the ones I want or getting any sizes from collection kitties.