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Full Version: Want to exchange 10 rubies for 5 diamonds
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Hi! The title says it all. I have 10 rubies I'd like to exchange for 5 diamonds. I also need to exchange 3 emeralds for 1 diamond. If you can help please reply here or message me inworld.
Thanks in advance!
Eury Heart
Hi! I sent you a message in SL. Let me know if you are interested. I have one diamond I am looking to trade for two Ruby's. Thanks!


(jessicaarianahamby Resident)

(02-13-2016 06:04 AM)Eurydice Barzane Wrote: [ -> ]Hi! The title says it all. I have 10 rubies I'd like to exchange for 5 diamonds. I also need to exchange 3 emeralds for 1 diamond. If you can help please reply here or message me inworld.
Thanks in advance!
Eury Heart
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