I feel Jessicaarianahamby Resident should receive megapuss of all Collection cats. This can be achieved simply by sending JessicaArianaHamby Resident Megapuss Collection cats.
I was wondering who stole all my weed
I feel this suggestion is wonderful and Ashley Densu should be included also ((JenniferShelby Resident)) Just saying
It is no longer your weed since I have stolen it... Oh wait, that's in writing.. I mean.... RUNS!!!!
(02-11-2016 10:14 PM)Winter Phoenix Wrote: [ -> ]
I was wondering who stole all my weed
Hmmm, put me on that list too! (meanwhile makes plans to steal all of Jessica's collection megas in case she gets them first.)
(02-13-2016 12:32 PM)Kayla Woodrunner Wrote: [ -> ]Hmmm, put me on that list too! (meanwhile makes plans to steal all of Jessica's collection megas in case she gets them first.)
Ok I'm in for the free Megas as well! I am pretty sure I deserve it...and no Winter I didn't steal your weed!

(whispers to Jelly: do you want to help me steal Jessica's megas? I'm pretty certain she already has some good ones. She'll never notice. She has Winter's, ummm, greenery.)
(02-15-2016 05:02 PM)Kayla Woodrunner Wrote: [ -> ](whispers to Jelly: do you want to help me steal Jessica's megas? I'm pretty certain she already has some good ones. She'll never notice. She has Winter's, ummm, greenery.)
(02-15-2016 05:02 PM)Kayla Woodrunner Wrote: [ -> ](whispers to Jelly: do you want to help me steal Jessica's megas? I'm pretty certain she already has some good ones. She'll never notice. She has Winter's, ummm, greenery.)
Bwa ha ha haaaaa...I'm in!!