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Full Version: Galaxy Sun
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Just got this!
Charm is jumping up and down with joy. She's been at this since March, 2011, and finally got something NEW!
Wow! congrats Charmayne!
Oh wow! Those eyes are super pretty. Congrats on the new trait, Charmayne.
These are the prettiest eyes that I have seen! Congratulations!!!
wow congratz, very cute
and out of confettis! there's a surprise - congrats!

(are these the first new traits out of confetti kitties? other than getting the berry furs?)
Congratulations! A beautiful eye!
(02-10-2016 06:57 AM)Melodie Jigsaw Wrote: [ -> ]and out of confettis! there's a surprise - congrats!

(are these the first new traits out of confetti kitties? other than getting the berry furs?)

Confettis are starters, so it's my understanding that they could hide any new traits that would come from new starters and / or new collections (and not exclusive to said collections).
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