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Perhaps next update the break up bottles can be modified to allow the break up to occur if you only have ONE of the pair - I got a cat that was still partnered to another person's cat - and there is no way to remove the partnership! Just have to wait it out - luckily it wasn't a renewing partnership Smile

So, an option to break up a partnership when you own only one of the two cats would be helpful!

Just a precision : partnerships don't auto renew (even if set to auto repartner) if the cats are not in range of each other.

Hikari Smile
I would love a bottle that allows free break up so if you buy a cat and it is partnered, that can be fixed

But I do see some problems with people sharing kitties and taking advantage of it if they change their minds about the match.
OOO Like it detects the change of ownership, and starts the partnership over so a breakup free drink can be used on the one. :O

(02-07-2016 06:43 PM)Kayla Woodrunner Wrote: [ -> ]I would love a bottle that allows free break up so if you buy a cat and it is partnered, that can be fixed

But I do see some problems with people sharing kitties and taking advantage of it if they change their minds about the match.
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