hey I was thinking it would be super cute if there was a native american event, with like native colored themed cats with like native paint marks on them, and little feather headbands and stuff.

it would be so cute!
just a thought

it would be cute and maybe fun, but not politically correct

It might not be politically correct but so were the NutCracker Sweets girls costumes with their mini skirts, fleshtone thighs and boots looking like Burlesque dancers instead of wearing pants like the boys. A lot of people found them cute and fun.
I even don't like the "typical girls" phrases the kitties say about shopping and footwear.

I would say, regarding the footwear, that the cats are just trying to understand our strange human customs. Obviously, we humans put great stock and care into our shoes (compared to kitties that wear none) and since the shoes tend to be on kitty face level, it is the human craft that they encounter most often and they are trying to relate to us.

You know, strike up a conversation, like the weather.
As for cats in mini-skirts, weeellllll... this is SL. Lots o' mini-skirt wearing going on here.
This is all well and good, until the Alliance for Virtual Clothing gets after you for referring to them by the size-pejorative term 'mini' rather than their preferred term, which is 'Size-challenged Articles of Clothing and Kit' or, 'SACKs', for short.
lol, you guys are cracking me up!
As a person of First Nations descent, I have to say that unfortunately there would not really be a way to do this without potentially upsetting a lot of people. This big "I am not a costume" movement has pretty much cemented that.
I think this could work while a small demographic might be offended we also have to understand. That kittycats does not revolve around North America. That kittycats is a world brand that has members from all country's in it. I see such a unique and diverse group of people when I chat and go around to different markets. I don't think its fair to say something isn't politically correct!. I am also now very very curious to what % of people from each country make up Kittycats! and Secondlife!.