01-25-2016, 11:56 AM
Hiya everyone,
we are glad to announce the brand new Auction Training with inbuilt KittyClass for new and old breeders! Join us monday 1 PM SLT for a short Line Up where we go through each panels pedigree and explain which traits are hidden and why. Also we will chat about Limited edition traits, menagery traits and retired traits.
This "Auction" focus on new breeder & new KittyCatS addicted people. but "older" breeders are welcome too
(During the AuctioneerS Training all Panels are only 1L$.
Landmark to the Stage: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fe...124/126/22
See you at 1 PM SLT!
Julia & Cherry
we are glad to announce the brand new Auction Training with inbuilt KittyClass for new and old breeders! Join us monday 1 PM SLT for a short Line Up where we go through each panels pedigree and explain which traits are hidden and why. Also we will chat about Limited edition traits, menagery traits and retired traits.
This "Auction" focus on new breeder & new KittyCatS addicted people. but "older" breeders are welcome too

(During the AuctioneerS Training all Panels are only 1L$.
Landmark to the Stage: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fe...124/126/22
See you at 1 PM SLT!
Julia & Cherry