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Full Version: Wed 6pm w/Nika & Rev @ The ScratchN Post Inc. 2 X 9T TONKIE CHAMPAGNE & MORE
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Nika & Revan Wed 6pm @ The ScratchN Post

Welcome to MEEWOW Wednesdays with Nika & Rev, 6pm the place to be is the ScratchN Post sim for Kitties, Giggles, Prizes and more. Come on join the delightful madness. Pure sugar filled madness!

Panel 1:
9T Russian Blue Morning Glory TEACUP

Panel 2:
9T Ocicat Cinnamon Silver Pewter

Panel 3:
9T Tonkinese CHAMPAGNE Exotic Breeze

Panel 4:
9T Tonkinese CHAMPAGNE Ody Bellini

Panel 5:
9T Australian Mist Blue Marble Jade

Bonus Panel:
9T Bengal Silver Light Wash Scotty Fold

Panel 6:
9T Aby Black Silver Exotic Breeze

Panel 7:
Aby Dark Chocolate Exotic Breeze +6 TOY

Panel 8:
Foxie Cocoa Cream Full Moon +6

Panel 9:
Bali Seal Pft Exotic Journey +4

Panel 10:
Aby Dark Chocolate Tranquility +6 MEGA

N Panel:
9T Australian Mist Blue Marble Midnight Sky

V Panel:
9T Ocicat Black Plum

Foxie Salt and Pepper Ody Bellini +3 TEACUP

The Raffle is only 75L to enter and already running, you do not need to be there to win so come and enter now!!!

Lineup is updated and it just keeps on getting better!
Lineup is updated and it just keeps on getting better!
Lineup is almost complete... amazeballs kitties out there tonight
Lineup is almost complete... amazeballs kitties out there tonight
Lineup is now complete, cant wait to see you all later
Lineup is now complete, cant wait to see you all later
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