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Full Version: Auction Calendar with automated Panel Listing!
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(01-28-2016 10:25 AM)Rene Marseille Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-27-2016 07:18 PM)doubledareme Resident Wrote: [ -> ]ALMOST ALL. Except the ones who chose NOT to schedule with you or the people you chose to ban or disable. Because ALL are NOT welcome...

That's right, everyone is welcome, just not the ones who chose not to be listed, which was the case with you and poizen. I know lickn has his calendar, I know he does everything so this great website won't be a success, so he can have more control, but please let other auctioneers decide, where they want their auctions to be listed, and let the breeders decide, which calendar they want to use. You can go around and tell people not to use it, or tell them lies about me, or post many more comments in this forum, that won't change anything. And that is the reason why you two are banned.

so is that what happened with the fenux breeders too? And you have yet to address your using that profiler to track me down, invading my that also a lie? Because I am happy to post my land manager log of your arrival like a thief in the night. I also have yet to receive my 4k refund since you have constructively taken back my paid for product. Please tell me which part of this all is a lie

As for others, let us each act within our own consciences and keep in mind that today's choices define us not for a day or a week, but for a lifetime. My grandma said it best "tell me who you hang around with, and I will tell you who you are"....of course, there are other similar sayings like "lie down with dogs and you will wake up with fleas". In any case, in answer to the question you asked me when I asked you a question about the profiler weeks ago, Yes, I Can Read.
(01-29-2016 07:38 PM)PrettyPoizen Resident Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-28-2016 10:25 AM)Rene Marseille Wrote: [ -> ][quote='doubledareme Resident' pid='96058' dateline='1453943905']
ALMOST ALL. Except the ones who chose NOT to schedule with you or the people you chose to ban or disable. Because ALL are NOT welcome...
You can go around and tell people not to use it, or tell them lies about me, or post many more comments in this forum, that won't change anything. And that is the reason why you two are banned.

Just so we are clear Rene. I have no need to tell people not to use your profiler. I have never told anyone not to use your profiler. I was still willing to use your profiler after you disabled mine...using Leylas group profiler...until you came to the sim and disabled every profiler in my auction area an prevented every profiler from being used in my auction area. I don't need to lie about you. Everything that has been said here is the truth. I have never told a single solitary lie about anything regarding you. Every word of it is the God's honest truth. It's not slander or lies if it is the truth. I don't comment about you in the forum I comment about your lack of scruples and your inability to keep you personal feelings out of how you are supposedly running a grid wide auction schedule and forum. I comment on the fact that I feel you stole from me something I had purchased well over a year ago and I comment on the fact you griefed my auction site twice, not to mention the harassment and bullying and name calling all because "I was too stupid to post my auctions" ...those were your words. I comment on the fact that you bloody ripped me off for 5500 lindens and that you did ALL of this because I don't want anything to do with anyone who steals from me or others, invades my privacy, tries to tell me what I HAVE to do with threats and bullying if I don't comply. And we all know it won't change anything. I have no power to change who you are. Only you do. But the problem also want the power to change who I am and I am sorry you can't have it. I chose NOT to be a part of your auction calendar and this is the outcome.
The reason I was banned is because you don't like me or the fact that I won't do exactly what you want when you want it. NONE of this stuff happened till after I took my auction off your calendar...except the bullying, name calling and harassment.

Lets be brutally honest here Rene. Your feelings run you website. That is dangerous for any business. Somehow you got your nose out of joint because some of the auctioneers wanted nothing to do with your website...and that is why the banning of anyone who doesn't want to be in your little club.

There was something I read here that was really cock and bull.
I've never gotten the vibe that LickN Wonder wants to control everything or for that matter, cause the downfall of anyone.
Seems to me that everything he's done and continues to do is to provide services where KittyCatS! community members can enjoy and have fun with.

Alas, we can never control the things people choose to say or do but we can at least control the way we choose to think, believe (and behave); in a manner of good decorum — but, of course.
I can honestly say that, in my personal view, Lick is the most sane, reasonable and fair of all the owners of kitty sims. He's genuine and he is kind most of all, and for some messed up reason, this world often seems to take such nice people and reverse them into their opposite. That just isn't ok. He seems to get the brunt of things unfairly sometimes, which seems to me to be jealousy of his awesomeness. I think he's great!

With regard to the mention of paying for this service in future... were that to happen, I would not pay to use it and everyone I asked for views about that with, who owns these profilers, has said the same and that they would not pay to use it either. I bought these boards for a one off fee, and I would not be willing to pay any extra fee, payable weekly or monthly ontop of that. I think 1500 personal use-4k group use is more than enough to be paying
Thanks to everybody for opinions and views and truth on this. Just some remarks about what I have heard here.

The invasion of somebodys private land is totally wrong. Just cuz you make something that somebody bought off you does not give the right to go into personal spaces. If the product contains a script that even when its off sends a signal to let him know where the product is, this is wrong. If its off it should really be off. Not with secret scripts running.

If its true that using the board in an auction is under his control that's wrong too. It says nothing about that on the listing for it or such conditions apply. I don't expect hidden catches if I buy something that are only told to me after I paid my money. That's deceptive and possible fraud. If somebody bought it not knowing which they wouldn't know if it's not written, they should be at the least refunded and the market place listing altered to be honest that you have to do an auction via him. The way it is presented is with none of this infos and is as an addition to help us sell our kittehs. It's what made me consider buying it. If that's not true or the whole story, I won't be buying it or supporting this kind of product or business practices. Specially if it's going to shock me down the line with extra charges for using it. No thanks!

Having a go at Lickn for having a schedule is not right. He's had one a long time. He's a very nice guy. He bring a lot of balance and good to our community. Nuff said.
I just skipped most of the long texts of dei and poizen, no time for this but I will answer some questions I saw shortly:

@minx: no you don't need to list your auctions, if you read my previous comment you would know why they were banned. like everyone else I have my rules too, and if someone tries to harm me or my business, I don't see why I should support them with my products. I have all the rights to ban those people. You are fair to me, I am fair to you, you try to f*** with me again and again, you lose the right to use my products.

@dei: Get your facts right, how is ragdoll not scheduled? And 2 sims don't allow my profilers? You mean 3 sims, all belong to lickn, I can live with it. You are the bully here, this drama here is what you wanted from the beginning and now you have it, enjoy!

@poizen: I didn't track you, your profiler was listed on the web market, everyone could have teleported to it. I think you know that too but of course your version has a bigger effect on people. Keep telling it!

@cole, @emilia: I know, lickn is an angel who only wants the best for the community. When I released my profilers 1.5 years ago, the first sim I went was his sim, I told them about my profilers, they said they will think about it. 2 days later I wanted to go to that sim again and realized I was banned for no reason. And the fact that people don't want to be on his calendar tells a lot.

Last but not least, this calendar and the web market is a free service, use it or don't. I keep working on it for all the people who support me and use the website. If it wasn't for them, I would have canceled it because I don't get anything with it, other than more drama. When I had the idea to add an auction page, I didn't know about any existing calendars, nor about all the previous drama about them. If I knew it, I wouldn't have started it.
I was asked by a friend to look at this discussion.

This looks like just another incidence of Lick N trying to bully people and run them out of town to benefit his own business, while pretending that it is for the good of the community. (Have a look here: ) And many of us already know how untrustworthy and confrontational Dei is.

I have no idea why anyone would set up a profiler on private land, since their purpose is to display the cat's pedigree further back than just the parents and to list them on the Web Market: Why would you do that if the cat weren't for sale?

I love the profilers and their Web Market listing and search abilities, and think they are a wonderful tool for our community. I already choose to not participate in any auctions that don't use them, as by not having them set up and listed on the website, those auctioneers are not doing their best to help sell the panels.

I do agree that I wouldn't pay an additional fee to continue to use the profilers, and that charging fees that were not disclosed at the time of sale would be unethical. I do hope that Rene understands that the KittyCatS community would not be supportive of this sort of fee. And reading through the above, he has stated that it is a free service, so I would expect it to remain that way.
People need to stop accusing LickN of stuff. He is not trying to control anything and this has nothing to do with him. He's a great person and btw we all have feelings behind our avatars but some people in kc forget. And LickN cares about people,when you have his friendship it's great. He just wants to help people. And voicing his opinion well guess what we all have opinions don't like it then ignore it. No reason to bash a great man. Rene needs to think better of his business ethics.i try not to judge and I remain silent on most issues but this is disgusting. Stealing people's money just wow.
If you have a problem with an individual, we ask that you work out that problem with that individual PRIVATELY or via the channels that LL has set up.

If you want to discuss ideas, thoughts, feelings about a particular idea that you disagree with, that's ok. Posts about a person or people that you have an issues with is not okay on these forums.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding on this guideline we have.
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