Well -- now that there's been a little more discussion of the Valentine cats traits and all... I realize how completely ignorant I am of how this all works... Would anyone be willing to give me the short version of a Dummies' Guide to Traits and How They Work?? Or tell me where I can look to learn more? Any insight, however small, will be greatly appreciated!! Yes -- I'm a complete noob to this world...
(02-26-2011 08:13 PM)Kieve Jakob Wrote: [ -> ]Well -- now that there's been a little more discussion of the Valentine cats traits and all... I realize how completely ignorant I am of how this all works... Would anyone be willing to give me the short version of a Dummies' Guide to Traits and How They Work?? Or tell me where I can look to learn more? Any insight, however small, will be greatly appreciated!! Yes -- I'm a complete noob to this world...
I'll take a crack at this. In many ways its a mystery on how the actual traits work but what most of us tend to do is apply our knowledge of other breedables and what we have heard from the KittyCats creators and also through our own experiences. As far as experience there isn't too much to go on yet of course, we are only hitting second breedings. Although we did these in beta and bred dozens and dozens but admittedly i didn't pay to much on how traits passed. More focus was on spotting glitches and bugs.
NOTE: Everything below is my personal opinions based on my own breedings, and most of my logic comes from bunnies. While these are absolutely different I don't have much else to go on until we breed these through generation after generation. This is a game and part of that game is to figure out the breeding and its the part I enjoy....my partner on the other hand just likes to look at the pretty kittys :
My understanding is KittyCats work on the common 1 shown gene and 1 Hidden gene for each of the traits. When two cats mate and create a kitten the kitten will then receive a shown and hidden gene for each trait. These shown and hidden genes will be taken from the shown and hidden genes of the parent for each trait. So for example the fur you have 4 possibilities for the shown fur to be, if the mother and father are same fur then its 3 possibilities. If we have figured out the hidden fur of the parents and the same as the shown then we have one possibility. I guess that is the only thing I am sure (mostly sure) about actually. The rest is assumptions I am making and questions I have.
My other assumption is the cats traits are set when its first born like mentioned above and never changed. This is why you always need to buy new starters with breedables to get new traits. Yes its a money thing of course (and its not bad for people to want to make money) but it also just makes sense.
Question I have:
1. With bunnies If the shown fur came from the mother then the hidden would be pulled from the father, wonder if that's the same with KittyCats?
2. The one in 4 possibility i talked about, is it an even 25% chance of each or is the shown fur weighted higher to pass?
3. Can different furs be waited differently to pass? The assumption in bunnies is that was the case, but after breeding like 5000 of them, i don't buy it. Is there any weighted difference here?
Hope it made sense and didnt just confuse you more. I look forward to hearing other opinions and sharing our experiences to unlock some of the mystery...happy breeding

(02-27-2011 12:21 PM)Kristoffer Juneau Wrote: [ -> ]This is a game and part of that game is to figure out the breeding and its the part I enjoy....my partner on the other hand just likes to look at the pretty kittys :
Yes its so true!! I love the pretty KittyCatS!

Yes! thanks so much... that's a great help to get started understanding -- thanks so much for taking the time to write it down! And it is somewhat comforting to know there are things nobody knows yet... maybe I'm not too far behind. Thanks for explaining the hidden/shown trait thing -- I didn't know how that worked at all.
I know I'll probably be revisiting this again and again ... and will look for any information people are able to share. I actually do mostly like to just look at the pretty kitties myself

But thought a rudimentary understanding might help me at least break even
Thanks again for your thoughts!!
This is excellent advice. Thank you so much!

Not sure this is the right area for my question, but move it if not, thanks!
I have Partnered cats that have had two kittens already, for 2 days now they have been at double heart status and ready to breed but haven't. What is the reason for this?
I use the milk, both are sleeping and awake at the same time, all stats are perfect for making a kitten but nothing is happening, what am I doing wrong here?

Hi Marissa,
You are doing nothing wrong but sometimes cats need to be reminded we want kittens, lol.
Just reset their home and make them jump to their home point, the box should arrive shortly after.

There is a great resource as well in Google Docs about how KittyCatS genes work and their dominance order.
This information is ceraefully selected by Saga Felix with help from the community and will be regulary updated as information about new traits becomes available:-)
The only thing you need is a Google account to be able to view the documentations.
I hope this will help:-)
KittyCats Traits Documentation >