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Full Version: WANTED: Costume Party & Scaredy Tats
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Hi all,
I'm after Costume Party Megapusses Poodle, Clownin' Around and Pretty Princess (live or boxed), also Moo Cow boy, or girl, teacup, or toy, boxed, or live.

If you're interested please reply here, or IM me, or my partner Kammy Fullstop in-world.

Many thanks

danroy Fullstop
(10-21-2015 02:12 PM)danroy Fullstop Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all,
I'm after any Costume Party Megapusses (live or boxed), a Scaredy Tat Very Scary Monsters teacup, or toy (live or boxed) and a Monkey Business male boxed.

If you're interested please reply here, or IM me, or my partner Kammy Fullstop in-world.

Many thanks

danroy Fullstop

Hi Dan *hugs* long time no see, I have a Very Scary Monsters Toy, I sent you an IM as well about it ^.^
We have a teacup Tricky Treat boxed.. if you are interested please msg us or see inworld at Kitty Scoops (shop is in Adorable Pets 3 ) .. also have a boxed Holy Cow and another Tricky Treat both normal size there.

Malin Sabra
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