Hi everyone I'm new I was wondering first my cat is a none breeder, ok so I want to know are there fish bones or mice for cats to put in their mouths?
Cute pic of the newest Firestorm kitty!
I don't know of anything like that. It's basically collars, hats, glasses and vests, which are either available at the KittyCats! store, or made using the creator kits available there. The ones made by others - mostly collars and crowns/hair ornaments/hats - are for sale at various secondary markets and there are some on the Marketplace.
there is toast they can wear. I think this is a good idea, hopefully KC can make a few items like fish that they can wear in their mouth (as long as my kittycat doesn't start leaving mice at my feet, I'm good, lol)
My vote is yes on kittycat mouthies!
PS, could you change the title of your thread to "fish in mouth" or something more descriptive please? Currently the heart icon is confusing -- I didn't read it for awhile because I'm not so interested in icons. However you have a good idea and if people knew your idea, I think more people would respond and the title is a form of advertisting for your idea