KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Suggestion: Online Pedigree - Overview export to excelsheet
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it was an nice idea if the Kitty-Overview ready for export to an Excelsheet. (Like the Exportfunction @ Meeroo-Page)

i dont have an permanent online connect, but it was nice if i have an Offline-Overview for planing my Breeds...

* Yuukie Onmura wants!!

This would make my life amazing seriously.
Great idea! That would be super helpful Smile
I vote yes for this one too!!! i totally need it.
yes please Smile
There's a not-very-difficult workaround: drag-select your pedigree page starting from the first actual pedigree line - copy, then paste into a blank Excel sheet (or Open Office Calc for those who prefer an open source option).

What I'd love to have available as an export would include the pedigree details you have to click on individual kitties or boxes to get at.
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