Everyone needs to step back and remember something: Everyone who provides a service or tool that helps the KittyCatS community is a volunteer. Anyone who creates/maintains a calendar, maintains a trait chart, hosts and writes a blog, creates and makes available a free hud or tool, has a free tutorial/class, has a web site with pictures of cats you can build, creates a wiki document of info, prepares notecards and panels for an auction, donates prizes to contests/prize-givers, etc. is a volunteer. They volunteer out of their own free time and their own $L/$, even when they have families to take care of, RL work to deal with, bills and debts, sickness and personal struggles. Why? Because it's fun, because they love to be helpful, because they want everyone else in the community to have a good experience. Even in the face of very offensive and nasty notecards/emails, even when being insulted on the internet or in private to other people, these people still love to volunteer and contribute, because once in a while they will see evidence of their contributions being helpful, and sometimes people will actually tell them how helpful they are and how much they are appreciated: those make up for all of the other crap.
So. All of these volunteers need to be shown:
a) some respect for dealing with the unsolicited crap bestowed upon them
b) a bit of leeway when it comes to mistakes (perhaps the person is tired, overworked, distracted with personal issues, going through glue sniffing withdrawl, whatever)
c) some appreciation for giving up their free time, $L/$, and RL obligations (or maybe procrastinating RL obligations in the name of volunteering *looks innocent*)
That being said, we (volunteers, buyers, sellers, market owners, shop owners, auctioneers, mangers, helpers, breeders, lurkers) are all here and do our things for the same reasons: we want to enjoy our experience and maybe also help the community have a better experience. We want to have and provide tools to make things easier, make things more transparent, and make more information available. We all want the same things! Attacking each other only creates dissension and does nothing to solve the problem in question. There has been a lot of attacking and accusing and excuses but very little in terms of productive suggestions (Although I did think the few ideas that were posted were very good!)
Instead of going on and on about "unfair" and "biased" and "inhumane" (really?) why not work together to come up with a solution that is not going to cause confusion for the users and not going to cause bad feelings between community members? Bree does have the right to change the rules (until someone starts paying her a salary for the work she's been doing for free for years when she worked for KK and not TA, and then that person can dictate the rules), and LickN does have the right to set up his own calendar if he wishes.
This will hurt feelings no doubt, but stop acting like children. I'm sorry, and I still love you all and will still sit in your lap and stick my furry tail in your face when you're afk, and make you funny/cute gestures, but we're adults; not grade school kids fighting over toys, so stop acting like it. This is a community of adults all interested in the same thing, not an unruly kindergarten classroom.
Stop fighting about who's right and who's wrong: that's done, it's over. Now it's time to fix things. Instead of going at each other, why not discuss why the rules were changed (did anyone actually ask why?), constructively discuss both sides, and come up with a way to keep one consistent calendar that makes everyone happy, or even two calendars that both serve different purposes but without confusing people?
Users do need a calendar that is accurate and provides an easy way to find out when auctions are
actually taking place and where, and an easy way to teleport to them without having to hunt an overloaded inventory for LMs (or maybe that latter part is just me, eh
) Auctioneers do have lives outside of KittyCatS and often need to cancel due to RL problems or take a vacation (a good auction really is a lot of hard work!) Auctioneers want people to know when their auctions are taking place and where so they can make sellers happy and make a bit of money for the work they put into the auction. Patrons/buyers/sellers also have lives outside of KittyCatS and often set aside time from or reschedule RL obligations to attend an auction, or need to auction a cat and have to find an auction that fits into their busy schedule. Patrons need to know when and where auctions are taking place and know that information is reliable so they don't reschedule time only to find an auction isn't happening when/where it should.
Each side needs to respect the other's needs and requirements. You can so far all agree on this, yes? Good! That's a start. Now finish it and do it constructively and diplomatically like adults.
Hell, if Fabio and I can come to a mutual understanding about the charts, you guys can figure out a calendar together...