KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Pupil Shape as New Trait?
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I was watching my RL cat and I had an idea about a pupil trait. When she is drowsy and contented, her pupils take on a medium sized half-moon or new moon shape. I don't know if anyone has suggested this before but it would be something to play around with.

After talking with Charm about this, my suggestion would be a new trait, as she said, rather than a new pupil size. For example, there could be three pupil shapes:

* slit (the current shape, so it's the shown on starters and the most-dominant value, and could also be the hidden value)
* oval
* round

My thinking is that the two-value-only traits (eye shape and pupil size) are often ignored when looking for other traits; so they easily drift to being 'pure'. From a game-design point of view, this is an advantage and should not be diluted by the addition of more values.

The addition of a new trait should also have a positive, long-term effect upon the markets.
Honestly I think we already have an eye like your kitty. It looks a lot like Mysterious/Big to me. I think the big problem is so many people only do mysterious/small which looks like snakes pupils. RL cat eyes tend to be more like Mysterious/Big and Curious/Small. It's too bad so many people only breed mysterious/small so people forget what mysterious/big and curious/small looks like.

I much prefer the BIG pupil as well.

I also prefer natural shades as opposed to halogen lamp illumes.

This is why I am stuck breeding sexeh pets as opposed to those
glamorous thoroughbred showroom trait beasts Wink
Hm yes, mysterious big for president if I breed my own pets and also without shades.
Only thing is the furballs throw often "perfection" on us Wink
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