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Full Version: Midnight sky eyes are dominant to Tapestry harvest
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Hi all,
As shown in first Picture below, Lilas 10 shows Midnight sky eyes. Her mum is Lilas, a starter cat whose most recessive eyes in kittens were Midnight sky. The dad is Garson, another starter, whose hiden eye is Tapestry harvest. As both parents are starter, they have mandatory passed their hidden eyes to Lilas 10.

[Image: 19898318408_f959a59a19_b.jpg]

The second picture shows Prune 02. Prune 02's mum is Prune, who has Odi Carnival as shown eyes and Morning Dew as hiden trait. The Dad is Garson, same as for Lilas 10. Prune 02 shows Tapestry harvest eyes, which only can come from Garson.

[Image: 19898442430_94060c0a68_b.jpg]

So, the Midnight eyes of Lilas 10 only can come from the mum Lilas, and the hiden eyes are Tapestry harvest from the dad Garson.
Assuming Saga's chart is correct that T Harvest is dominant to O Carnival, the logic is correct.

It would be best to add an image showing Garson and both offspring Prune 02 and Lilas 10 to prove the same Garson was the parent of both.
Thanks Aramis. And good job of keeping track of your hiddens since you are working with starter cats!

It really helps to start cleaning up the dominance charts. While Midnight Sky is placed snugly, Tapestry Harvest is not.

Saga's chart is now showing Tapestry Harvest is dominant to Key Lime and recessive to Midnight Sky

So if you have Tapestry Harvest as shown or hidden with any of these eyes, please add your chart on this thread!

Midnight Sky *
Blue Ice (Retired) *
Caramel (Retired) *
Blacklight (Retired) *
Grass (Retired) *
Purple Rain * (Retired)
Oceania (Retired) *
Odyssey Splash (Retired)
Key Lime *

Thank you Aramis for your charts on Tapestry Harvest
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