07-25-2015, 06:34 AM
Wow what a night. Amber was back and it was EPIC.
The Raffle was rocking with a 10 cat stick 75L$ to win 10 cats to send to the menagerie towards the new yummies KittyCats have given us.
The Emerald finally went from the prizegiver after weeks and weeks of teasing us.
And as if that wasn't enough we had a total sell out on the awesome cats our fantastic sellers brought us. Not a future sale in sight.
So congrats to RagdollSessan on winning the Raffle and Congrats to Laura18 Streeter on snagging that Emerald from the prize giver. Congrats also to all the other winners from the prize giver I saw a few gift vouchers fly out ofthat thing last night.
Thanks to all the buyers and sellers and huge massive thanks to Amber our fantastic auctioneer.
And OMG we are doing it all again tonight at 11.55PM check out the Saturday night snacking thread for the line up so far.
For more on Midnight Snacks check Ambers Blog: http://icestron.blogspot.co.uk/search/la...20Auctions
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MidnightSnackAuctions
Follow us on Twitter @MidnightSnackSL
The Raffle was rocking with a 10 cat stick 75L$ to win 10 cats to send to the menagerie towards the new yummies KittyCats have given us.
The Emerald finally went from the prizegiver after weeks and weeks of teasing us.
And as if that wasn't enough we had a total sell out on the awesome cats our fantastic sellers brought us. Not a future sale in sight.
So congrats to RagdollSessan on winning the Raffle and Congrats to Laura18 Streeter on snagging that Emerald from the prize giver. Congrats also to all the other winners from the prize giver I saw a few gift vouchers fly out ofthat thing last night.
Thanks to all the buyers and sellers and huge massive thanks to Amber our fantastic auctioneer.
And OMG we are doing it all again tonight at 11.55PM check out the Saturday night snacking thread for the line up so far.
For more on Midnight Snacks check Ambers Blog: http://icestron.blogspot.co.uk/search/la...20Auctions
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MidnightSnackAuctions
Follow us on Twitter @MidnightSnackSL