Hi, I seem to have the smallest kitty ever. It is now twelve days old and it is the same size as when it was born, is that normal?
He is very happy, has food etc..
Image attached
He is a teacup,
? Mischief
? 12 days ? 58% ? 75% ?? 13% ?? 2%
Fur: Genesis - Diamond III
Eyes: Genesis Sunshine (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Mysterious
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: White (Shape: Guitar)
Size: 12 cm (4.7 inch) - Teacup
Awww. He is totally tiny, totally cute, and totally going to stay that tiny teacup size. Congratulations! Looks like he will fit right in your shoe. Mischief indeed.
*nods* Exactly what she said... and he will always fit on your shoulder too. :-) The kitty on my shoulder in my profile pic is a 424 day-old teacup. :-)