(07-06-2015 07:12 PM)Lana Mathilde Wrote: [ -> ]can you clarify what only lasts 30 minutes, I want to learn about it
The pedigree link that you, or someone else, generates in local when clicking on a KittyCat or box for info (assuming you have turned these on in your account - see below*) expires for everyone else 30 minutes after it is generated, so they are no good for posting here, in the MP, etc. (If you own the cat, it will take you to the regular pedigree page, but anyone else clicking it sees a warning that it will expire if it is still good, or a message that it has expired, when they look.)
These are for people who are shopping in world to be able to view your cat's pedigree, and you can also IM them when actively discussing a cat with someone - just remember they expire.
It's the one I bolded below:
? Dark Odyssey
Fur: Abyssinian - Dark Chocolate
Eyes: Odyssey Bellini (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Porcelain
Tail: Mysterious
Ears: Mysterious Odyssey Fold
Whiskers: Latte (Shape: Plush)
Size: 43 cm (16.9 inch)
Version: 1.45
Owner: MsMagick Resident
ID: 76ef5311-30c0-13b2-1be2-d241c57f2379
Pedigree: http://kittycats.biz/p.php?2babdac1-7209497-67685 <--- THIS LINK
MOM: Chocolate Bellini
Unlike some other breedables, no else can access the url of the pedigree page you see when you are logged into your account, and since these expire, taking a picture of your cat's pedigree is the only real way to share it anywhere people might look at it hours or days later.
* The easiest way to turn these on is to click the Your Account tab above and check the box that says: "Automatically enable In World Pedigree links for all my new cats & boxes".
For existing cats that aren't showing the link after you do that, there is a box in the upper right hand corner of their pedigree page to click to turn it on just for that cat.
(We asked KC for a way to turn it on for all of them, and they just implemented that, but it would have been too much for their servers to make it retroactive to all the existing kitties all at once.)
There's lots more info about this here:
(07-06-2015 01:25 PM)Starr Smithson Wrote: [ -> ]Hi
I want to know how to take a screen shot of my pedigree pages. I didn't know the pedigree's only lasted 30 mins on here when advertising in the forum. Thank foe any help. 
I don't like Gyazo, so I do it the old-fashioned way

Use the Print Screen button (this works on any Windows computer, but you might have to hold down a button like Alt or Ctrl when you press it, depending on how your buttons are set up) which puts a full screenshot onto your clipboard and then paste that into a new picture in ANY picture editing program... Paint, PhotoShop, etc. to crop it the way you want.
Then save that on your computer and upload it from there, using the Add Attachment command below. If you want little picture, you can just use the option to insert it into your post.
If you want it bigger, you can do that. Then go look at the post, right click the picture and copy the url, and go back and insert that into the post using the option about when in Full Edit mode. Once you get the hang of this, you can see that the urls are all the same except for the number that is assigned to each picture when it is attached.
This stores the picture on your computer (or I put mine on Dropbox) and on the Forum itself.