Disclaimer: if you've seen the exhibit and were wondering, kittycats cake is not in the exhibit (bday cats did not come out until after the exhibits were set up). The cat does say "Throw the cake at it" but he meant the BIG birthday cake, lol. I just thought it would be fun to do a pic with the bday cake. I did remove the cake after the picture to return the exhibit back to it's regular status (so Winter Phoenix if you were worried, no one changed the script, lol))
Is the cake explosive? I SAY USE IT!!
Hey, that's a great idea. Let's put some dynamite on it and throw it down the shark's gullet and BAM!!! Great finale scene (also good reason to diet, lol)
Also I just realized that being a co-producer on a film gives you some interesting duties. Turns out Sheriff Brody was ready to have a baby but the Sheriff's partner wasn't allowed on the set due to the ongoing filming. So I stood with the partner just out of line of the cameras until the baby popped, lol. Sheriff Brody today became the proud parent of:
? AriannaMeeks
Fur: Russian - Black
Eyes: Strawberry Bellini (Mysterious|Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Shorty
Ears: Wild Tiger
Whiskers: Blonde Streaked (Curious)
So if you saw me in the water on a big mega, that was Sheriff Brody's partner. Luckily, the shark didn't eat us while we were waiting for the baby. I couldn't find the Shark Cage in the props room, darn. Maybe Winter took it to get repairs.
Ha ha you guys! Another great chuckle! Very talented both of you

But if fits you perfectly, lol. (throws away the key and laughs maniacally)
We came in 2nd! Yay!!!! Thanks everybody who voted for us
(And you see the tiny rose given by Icestron Resident on the last post of this thread -- She came in first -- applause for Icestron!)
I'm sorry I never got over to see it all and vote. But omg I"m so happy for you guys and everyone that won!

It's too late to vote, Devilness. But if you want to go see them, they are still up for another week
If you get a chance, there are a lot of cool exhibits there. (Plus if you didn't get the free bday kitty, the landing point has a big cake, click that for the free bday kitty)