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Full Version: Coco 4 dominant to Diamond 5, possibly Domino 5
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[Image: 0560d-87ff6600-da35-40f7-86c7-eac994b66aed.png] Screenshot made with Grabilla
Yalissa 08 shows Coco 4 fur coming from her father who is a starter.
Her mum has a Domino 5 fur, hiding Diamond 5 as previously prooved by me : parents of Yalissa are both starters and the 2 kids she had with Aroon (another Advent 2014 starter with a genesis 4 fur) show alternatively Domino 5 and Diamond 5 furs (see below).
So the Coco 4 fur can only hide a genesis 5 fur, either Diamond 5 or Domino 5.
As diamond 5 is the recessive fur of the mum, it is mandatory recessive to Coco 4. Domino 5 recessiveness to Coco 4 has still to be prooven.
[Image: 05507-38cd9800-3e8a-4fac-9ca3-c6d07bb2f209.png] Screenshot made with Grabilla
thanks, Aramis
Aramis, did you ever find out Yalissa 08's hid? Just curious whether she got the shown Domino V hid or the Diamond V? Your info on Coco IV shows as dom to Diamond V but it might scoot it up a little if it's dom to the Domino
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