"Mom, look at what I found! Can I keep it?"
I couldn't resist. I'm auctioning my baby with exotic treasure and thought it just fit, you know?
? Helaine
? 0 days ? 0% ? 99% ? 95% ?? 0%
Fur: Foxie - Argyle
Eyes: Exotic Treasure (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Swanky
Ears: Curious
Whiskers: Latte (Shape: Plush)
Size: 12 cm (4.7 inch)
If you're up late and want to come and hang out with us, we'll be at Amber's auction at 11:55pm (yep midnight) Friday night at
Oh Kayla, your animated shots blow me away. That is perfectly done, catching the expressions just right.
Ask your pretty girl what she's going to do with that treasure anyway. She can't eat it.
(05-29-2015 12:30 PM)Ivy Norsk Wrote: [ -> ]Oh Kayla, your animated shots blow me away. That is perfectly done, catching the expressions just right.
Ask your pretty girl what she's going to do with that treasure anyway. She can't eat it. .
She could use it to buy lots of kibble and milk!
Gorgeous kitty! How do you do the animated pictures? I really love them!
http://www.gyazo.com gives two free apps that lets you take pics but uploads them to their website (you can copy to your hard drive by right click and save image as...)
one program icon is a pic with a pen -- that will take still photos in png format
one program icon is a filmstrip with a loupe -- that will take moving pictures for a second or two in gif format
the only thing with the gif program, is that kittycats movement is random. when you take the image, anything that moves in the next second or two will be recorded. Sometimes you have to take pics several times before you get movement that you like. I took this pic several times before she did more than sit and blink at me, lol. She was like, "What is my motivation?", lol. Actresses, sheesh.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I think it's more a kitty thing than an actress thing. I've waited forever wanting that perfect pose! I almost burnt a burger once waiting for a kitty to give just the right pose.
Thanks for the info too I haven't had luck with gyzo, but will check it out. I have an old JASC Animation shop program, but I would have to click pics faster than the Firestorm pic taker would let me. lol
Lol! You make the best pictures!
Fantastic cat and composition!!!!
so very very creative - and absolutely smashing!
exotic treaure eye on a kitty sitting on a stack of gold bars *giggles* its fantastic!