KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Avi Choice Awards 2015!!
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I'd swear one of my cats emitted a sign that asked if I'd voted yet. :-)
Voted! Hope kittycats wins. You guys deserve it! Heart and yes my cat asked if I voted as well! LMAO
(06-05-2015 12:24 AM)Jelly Supply Wrote: [ -> ]Voted! Hope kittycats wins. You guys deserve it! Heart and yes my cat asked if I voted as well! LMAO


And good... I was afraid I was seeing things! (Talk about shameless self-promotion. :-) LOL!) I do wonder if the casual owner, who doesn't read the forums, etc., will know what the vote is for.
I voted! And I was at a friends house recently and her mega kept emitting "DID YOU VOTE?" poofs! I kept seeing these things float by and saying "look look there it is DID YOU VOTE what is that!!" and my friend kept missing the particle poufs. I am glad to hear I was not hallucinating cause I had just played the Goa Party gacha and had some magic mushrooms know how that goes... Smile
Voted Too!!!
Voted Too!!!
Pages: 1 2
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