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Full Version: WishList 2: Toys, more Toys and accessoires
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As I am invited to rezz my cats at a friends place, I wish the choice of toys would not be that limited and that they were shareable...

- Since the kitties are updated and become lil shoe-lovers, it would be fun if they get little kitty shoes:

uggh boots for winter
cloggies for summer
heels for the party
flipflops for the beach

- fixing friends to be kittycats lovers has brought my attention that there are as many kitty personalities as kittylovers.
I like to joke what my kitties should wear....
I'd love to have a little supergirl outfit for my siamese...
My friend had a one eyed kitten in rl once - and I joked we could get his kitty a pirate badge
My other friend would love to see shoes
And the third one would love a nurse outfit too

- new shareable toys
or change / add the scratch posts and laundry baskets to a shareable version? like the kibble food

- an interactive cat tree

- some kind of amusement parks accessoires:
a milk bath (instead of water bath)
a merry-go-round with chasing mice
a lil balance game
kitty wrestling

- a coffee crew would be fun too
or kitty treats in form of little muffins, coffee mugs, cookies, crowns
like real kitty treats to raise their happiness or reduce their hunger a bit immediately
(because when my internet plays up and my kitties' hunger rise to 50%, I freak out and try to walk them down to at least under 10%. It would be great if there were different kind of immediate reduce hunger treats)

- birthday surprises for kitties...
Great ideas. May i also suggest, toys cats can simply bat around... For instance, like the ball, but it's rezzed all the time, and the cats randomly bat at it. Interactive furniture. Like a couch the cats can scratch up. Maybe play on..... Chairs that do the same thing.
I'd love to see more interactive toys and furniture -- any kind, really.

Just keep them low Land Impact or offer alternative low LI versions... Big Grin
(08-03-2015 12:44 AM)JessicaArianaHamby Resident Wrote: [ -> ]May i also suggest, toys cats can simply bat around... For instance, like the ball, but it's rezzed all the time, and the cats randomly bat at it.

I'd like to see small toys myself. I enjoy playing with the ball, but sometimes it would be nice to see a cat play with a toy by itself. (Especially if you have more than a few cats.) And some owners don't have the 5+m range necessary for the ball to work well. Some thoughts on toys:

- A movable thing the cat goes to: It would have to be something that realistically would only move tiny distances when collided with (for example a knit toy). The toy would have to be able to teleport to a home position whenever it went out of some range, or else it would be knocked out of the cats' range within hours. That home point might lessen or increase its appeal, I don't know.

I picked up some free VKC toys to give my cat space a lived-in feel. The cats don't know they are there, but because they're physical the toys get realistically scattered into places outside the cats' ranges.

- An immovable thing the cat goes to: It might just be easier to have some sort of stationary rack or track the KittyCatS could paw at without actually making anything happen in the toy. There are a number of real life toys of that sort, but I don't know if real cats continue to play with them after the novelty wears off. Owners of real cats might find it a bit painful for virtual cats to keep playing with something their own cats snub! And of course you'd have to find a place to put the thing. In a small area, figuring out where to put your cats' home points and with what ranges is quite complex even without adding the scratching post, laundry basket....

- Something the cat rezzes: Maybe a variant use for the sleep toys: An awake cat briefly rezzes a toy, randomly paws at it, rolls around with it, that sort of thing, then de-rezzes it. If you want a little more realism, there could be a box or something the cat goes to before doing this, as if getting the toy. Or the toy could reside at the cat's home point.
I'm certain it's been stated in here somewhere before but...

PLEASE do a Pirate Hat for kitties! Big Grin
Oh yes! I'd love a pirate hat for kitties. A whole pirate outfit would be awsome.
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