05-20-2015, 10:15 PM
As I am invited to rezz my cats at a friends place, I wish the choice of toys would not be that limited and that they were shareable...
- Since the kitties are updated and become lil shoe-lovers, it would be fun if they get little kitty shoes:
uggh boots for winter
cloggies for summer
heels for the party
flipflops for the beach
- fixing friends to be kittycats lovers has brought my attention that there are as many kitty personalities as kittylovers.
I like to joke what my kitties should wear....
I'd love to have a little supergirl outfit for my siamese...
My friend had a one eyed kitten in rl once - and I joked we could get his kitty a pirate badge
My other friend would love to see shoes
And the third one would love a nurse outfit too
- new shareable toys
or change / add the scratch posts and laundry baskets to a shareable version? like the kibble food
- an interactive cat tree
- some kind of amusement parks accessoires:
a milk bath (instead of water bath)
a merry-go-round with chasing mice
a lil balance game
kitty wrestling
- a coffee crew would be fun too
or kitty treats in form of little muffins, coffee mugs, cookies, crowns
like real kitty treats to raise their happiness or reduce their hunger a bit immediately
(because when my internet plays up and my kitties' hunger rise to 50%, I freak out and try to walk them down to at least under 10%. It would be great if there were different kind of immediate reduce hunger treats)
- birthday surprises for kitties...
- Since the kitties are updated and become lil shoe-lovers, it would be fun if they get little kitty shoes:
uggh boots for winter
cloggies for summer
heels for the party
flipflops for the beach
- fixing friends to be kittycats lovers has brought my attention that there are as many kitty personalities as kittylovers.
I like to joke what my kitties should wear....
I'd love to have a little supergirl outfit for my siamese...
My friend had a one eyed kitten in rl once - and I joked we could get his kitty a pirate badge
My other friend would love to see shoes
And the third one would love a nurse outfit too
- new shareable toys
or change / add the scratch posts and laundry baskets to a shareable version? like the kibble food
- an interactive cat tree
- some kind of amusement parks accessoires:
a milk bath (instead of water bath)
a merry-go-round with chasing mice
a lil balance game
kitty wrestling
- a coffee crew would be fun too
or kitty treats in form of little muffins, coffee mugs, cookies, crowns
like real kitty treats to raise their happiness or reduce their hunger a bit immediately
(because when my internet plays up and my kitties' hunger rise to 50%, I freak out and try to walk them down to at least under 10%. It would be great if there were different kind of immediate reduce hunger treats)
- birthday surprises for kitties...