I am not sure if it is just me or if others have it too but did not notice yet, but ever since my kitties were updated last weekend, the daily cuddling has not been increasing their love stats. All their love stats have only increased at a 10-day rate despite me fulfilling the daily cuddling duties. I have observed it for a few days now, just to be sure.
Can someone advise and help through this thread? Because I'll go crazy if I need to file tickets for all the cats.

Hey Tashi,
I haven't heard of anyone else having this issue but I do suggest that you file one ticket but let them know this has occurred with all your other KittyCats since the update.

i have the same kinda problem and i know of atleast 1 other who does too , filed ticket and got a reply, but still i know im not mad! and my love has slowed over the last week.
be good if others respond who might have issues too , ty for bringing it up Tashi
(11-28-2011 01:58 AM)Tabby TopHat Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Tashi,
I haven't heard of anyone else having this issue but I do suggest that you file one ticket but let them know this has occurred with all your other KittyCats since the update.
I've noticed lately also that the love stats don't seem to be increasing at the 7-day rate as well.

The cuddling is not giving them the bonus that it used to or should at all, now without giving milk they are all near a 10 day cycle to be ready to breed and I've filed lots of tickets and am very frustrated. One pair, the male had 10% more love when the female was 0. I have not been cuddling him because he had 10% more to start, they have been waiting 9 days to be ready to breed since the females last box and she is today at 79% love and he is 89% so all my efforts cuddling did not even show 1% difference compared to her uncuddled partner. I'm trying to do the math, which I'm sure the company has done, as to how much this has cost me in lost time and productivity which is easily what it would cost to buy milk, right? 30 percent less babies being born per kitty is also a big loss. I got one ticket replied to that they would want some of my kitties to see why they are not working right, then just after that they are asking me to do a test for several days.. I've done a test for more than one breeding cycle already but that is not good enough? I also asked for information about which were getting the cuddling bonus and the first time, almost none had recieved a bonus. I switched to firestorm and asked for feedback and now I am getting the credit but it makes no difference in love building anyway but .. I really want to thank you for making this post. I already knew I was not the only one cuddling for a bonus which always was the same as milk and now gives nothing. Please keep us updated on what is happening on this as overall it is costing twice as much right? 30 percent more, 30 percent less babies.. idk it just is unacceptable that they don't know why this is happening.

So there is no confusion, I had attached my cats daily for at least 30 minutes (started giving them 40 just to be sure) and even attached to cuddle more than one time a day when some needed happiness to increase but cuddling does not work like it did. I also saw an opportunity to buy an un-updated cat and have been testing him for a few days as well. He is reacting with the 10 day cycle my updated ones are.

Thanks for commenting, everyone. I hope KittyCatS has a response here to this issue too. I'll observe a week more before filing a tic.
Hi all!
As Tabby said, if you're noticing a problem, the best thing you can do to help us out in resolving it is to
file a ticket. Be specific with your information. If you have documentation you can share with us, that helps too. If you are noticing a problem with certain cats, providing their ID numbers will help us also.
In the meantime, I'll share with you all the same thing I shared with someone the other day: we want to assure you that we understand that you are frustrated and that we are going to do what we can to try and help resolve the issue. I need to stress that the problem some of you are having isn't a simple fix because
we don't know what is causing it. We don't know if it has to do with the sim the cats are on, or if there is something specifically wrong with just your cats, or if the problem is affecting all KittyCatS, or if this is another case of SL not playing nice with our cats. The information we have access to hasn't indicated a problem with the cats themselves, so in order to figure out what is going on, we need to gather information about the problem, conduct tests, and do some research. In fact, some of the people that have posted in this thread have already received responses and are helping us conduct tests to figure out the problem now.
Please be assured that if we didn't genuinely share all of your concerns, we would not be taking the measures we are. So I know the situation is frustrating, but I am asking you all to bear with us while we try to figure out what is going on so that we can get you back to having fun and enjoying your KittyCatS. Again, file those tickets if you think there's a problem! It's the best thing you can do to help us help you.
Thanks for understanding.

Hi Kitten
Thank you for your response.
I posted here because I wanted to know if it was just me or if it is something already common that KittyCatS is aware of. Busybody me, I know.

But the information here has been helpful for me to understand the situation better.
I decided to observe a week more because I wanted to see if it is one-week playup or if it is going to be a continuous delay. (I know how scripts can play up just one time, and nobody knows why. Didn't feel the need to trouble KittyCatS with a ticket if that were the case. And I know that one ticket is enough for all my cats in this case, was joking about going crazy. Sorry.) I am also taking notes on some of my cats now so that I can be clearer about their stats trending before I file the ticket. But if you think it is better for me to file a ticket now so that it will help you help me better, I'll do it as soon as I can.

Please everyone; file a ticket. I don't like having them broken. I was assured cuddling them will make them work like milk and I have been cuddling them. Today 5 pair did not breed when i expected because they took way too long. I did my predictions yesterday and the love was so delayed they missed their breeding times by a lot. Maybe even more because I tried to believe what is happening is not happening. IT'S HAPPENING! Why wait, please file a ticket!

Please don't let me feel I'm the only one trying to do something. It really is affecting how they work, for me.