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Zambra welcomes you. . .make sure you've brought kibbles!
[Image: Zambra%20at%20the%20gates%20of%20dawn.jpg]

Jelly comes with kibbles in hand & scratches Zambra behind the ear!
Kitty just wants snuggles Smile
Oh, wow. That is a gorgeous picture Winter, very atmospheric (turn of the century romantic gothic)
Are those mini-gates (cat-sized?) or is Zambra a mega? Or am I overthinking this and it's all the magic of photoshop? Nice cat. Nice garden too. Smile
(04-22-2015 09:58 AM)Ivy Norsk Wrote: [ -> ]Are those mini-gates (cat-sized?) or is Zambra a mega? Or am I overthinking this and it's all the magic of photoshop? Nice cat. Nice garden too. Smile

Zambra is indeed a mega.

As for photoshop, its been filtered, dodged and burned,
but Zambra is actually standing in between those gates
on the Nordan om Jorden sim.

That is a lovely picture. I love the framing of your cat in the open gate.
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