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Full Version: Surprise Diamond! for sale
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I got a diamond from a pair of my cats, totally unexpectedly. I have not ever collected them and so I am considering selling it........... how much are they worth?
and is anyone interested?

How do the fancie cats work anyway? do you buy them? or you get the gems and viola a cat appears?

need informatiion

Congrats, Ivy!

You collect the correct number of gems and put them in a special box from the KC store. Then use the menu on the box to redeem them for your cat. The one you get is random...

I saw them from L$3999 to around $7500 the other day at Too Adorable, and have mine set at L$5000 in world and L$5275 on the MP due to the fees. (I'm happy to sell it in world for L$5000 - just IM me.) I recently sold one on the MP for L$5250.
Diamond for Sale!
I have one diamond for sale if you are a collector you can purchase the item here :

If you like the display case for the diamond you can purchase it to the right of the pillows.
Oh yeah pillows, Love Paw Print Pillows are for sale, you can change their hue if you need to, will match any decor. Show your love heart shaped paw prints on your pillows.

price is negotiable send me an offer
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