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Full Version: Snappy whisker shape ...
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Bred a Garden Party - Strawberry Girl with a Garden Party - Grape Boy and this was the result (under the new kitty's costume):

Garden Party - Tutti Frutti Girl

Fur: Genesis - Coco V
Eyes: Grape Ice (Curious|Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Curious
Whiskers: Black (Snappy) <----------
Size: Normal

Is this a new whiskers shape?
It looks like, congrats!
Thanks. Just seems odd that two starters together could possibly do this. I suppose stranger things have happened, though. Smile
(04-13-2015 02:56 PM)Barry Ballyhoo Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks. Just seems odd that two starters together could possibly do this. I suppose stranger things have happened, though. Smile

It can happen, just means that whatever the other starter is hiding helped pull it Smile

(It happened to me when i discovered tapestry harvest eyes under a special bab costume, just like you!)
Congrats Big Grin
OMg..I was just joking about this with Inia Saturday...and here it is. (LOL) Congrats Barry! woot Too cool! Cool
Congrats Barry.

congratulations on finding a new whisker shape Barry
Congrats on finding a brand new whisker! Would love to see a picture of your kitty!
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