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The toy vs. mega debate came up in the group chat last night.

I think toys are awesome shoulder's Dukinea my shoulder rider during snuggle time.

Everytime I'm snuggling the other 15 I always think she's lording it over them that she gets to sit on my shoulder instead Big Grin

[Image: Snapshot_059_zps6qw4nbeo.jpg]

Have an awesome cat day!

I've decided I love Toys best: They are more visible on your shoulder than Teacups, and you can take they everywhere you go - even dancing!!!

I do Cuddle Time too, and I don't always want to sit around on the Mega when I could be out running errands, popping from SIM to SIM with an armload full of kitties. FYI - I have two Toys breeding now, but they both like my left shoulder. I think it's so they don't get lost in my hair, but then they get lost in each other instead. :-)
(04-07-2015 08:49 AM)MsMagick Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I don't always want to sit around on the Mega when I could be out running errands, popping from SIM to SIM with an armload full of kitties.

Yessssssssss!!! I actually have to slot out time to sit on the mega (usually while doing homework haha). I wish we could ride them through teleports that would be awesome.
Moonstream Wrote:I wish we could ride them through teleports that would be awesome.

Yes! It's hard to get them about the grid if we need a place to rezz them in order to ride them. I know we can attach them in a walk, but that's ... cumbersome. They are so big.

I love the Toy size. Sweet and visible and they don't get swamped by my hair.
Toys are my favorite! They are the perfect size, IMO.
Here's the pic I took with my "Boy Toy" to show the approximate size for some of my MP listings. I really do think toys are puurrfect!

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3162]

Speaking of Cuddle Time,

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3163]

I think my shoulders are getting full!

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3164]

Is it just me, or do they always looked smaller when they aren't on my shoulder?
I mean, that's the top of a scratching post for goodness sake!

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3165]

I agree too. I love toys. My avis tend to be rather tall so they fit perfect on my shoulder.
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