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Full Version: Flame Whiskers - Breeders Special on BB#10
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I have two kitties on adorable Bid Board #10 - One Flame whisker hider who is also a Lucky Lime Selfie - and one of his offspring, a 5T Flame4 with Flame Whiskers.

The Selfie has 2 breeding cycles left and is at 2 hearts 100% Love now.
The offspring (which shows the Flame) is a kittybox.

KittenBox, hidden traits are either/or (?) so ears are either Mysterious or Soft Curl:

? 5T-m Flame4 KL Shorty FLAME-w (7T TT?F-SB Myst?Soft-Curl)
Fur: Genesis - Flame IV
Eyes: Key Lime (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Flair
Tail: Shorty
Ears: Curious
Whiskers: Flame (Shape: Guitar)
Size: Normal

100% Live Starter - Hidden traits shown in parenthesis:
? 113 days ?? 100% ? 82% ? 55% ?? 0%
? LuckyLime-f (Tawny-Tabby KeyLime Glitter Shorty Curious FLAME-w)
sELFies! - Lucky LimeOpen
Fur: Genesis - Flame IV
Eyes: Genesis Water (Curious|Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Silver (Guitar)
Size: Normal

Priced like one cat and auction is over at 1 AM Monday, SLT.
(04-05-2015 07:33 PM)Shamu077 Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I have two kitties on adorable Bid Board #10 - One Flame whisker hider who is also a Lucky Lime Selfie - and one of his offspring, a 5T Flame4 with Flame Whiskers.

Priced like one cat and auction is over at 1 AM Monday, SLT.

What is the asking bid?
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