03-26-2015, 06:13 PM
Hey fellow KittyCatS breeders, 
I only have 4 panels left for auction tomorrow @ KittyCatz Showcase 1pm slt.
Come on by don't be shy!
Grab YOUR panel before they are out.
Need help? Have questions? I am always ready to assist!
Contact juLeSLoVeSJC
Transit >>
Pssst: KittyCatz Showcase also has bid board check these out! Low bids too!
1. F 9t BengalTawny OdySlush Flair Shorty MOF WhitePlush
$ 200L opening
2. M 5T AbyDarkChocolate NEW OdyCrush Eyes
$ 200L opening
3. F 6T AussieMistLtChoc OdyBell Frisky OdyNo2 WhWh
$ 400L opening
4. F 7T BaliFlameLynx OdysseyCrush Porc Fussy Foxie 2ToneBW Wh
$ 300L opening
7. F 5T FoxieArgyle PurpleRain StubbyTail
$ 300L opening
9. M 6T TonkiBlueMink GrapeIcee Silv
$ 400L opening
10. F 4T ChateauCat NEW Cognac Eyes
$ 200L opening
Transit >>>>> http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zo...206/17/517

I only have 4 panels left for auction tomorrow @ KittyCatz Showcase 1pm slt.
Come on by don't be shy!

Need help? Have questions? I am always ready to assist!

Contact juLeSLoVeSJC

Transit >>
Pssst: KittyCatz Showcase also has bid board check these out! Low bids too!

1. F 9t BengalTawny OdySlush Flair Shorty MOF WhitePlush
$ 200L opening
2. M 5T AbyDarkChocolate NEW OdyCrush Eyes
$ 200L opening
3. F 6T AussieMistLtChoc OdyBell Frisky OdyNo2 WhWh
$ 400L opening
4. F 7T BaliFlameLynx OdysseyCrush Porc Fussy Foxie 2ToneBW Wh
$ 300L opening
7. F 5T FoxieArgyle PurpleRain StubbyTail
$ 300L opening
9. M 6T TonkiBlueMink GrapeIcee Silv
$ 400L opening
10. F 4T ChateauCat NEW Cognac Eyes
$ 200L opening
Transit >>>>> http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zo...206/17/517