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Full Version: The HuskyCat Big Restock Sale
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Next Day or two I will be selling my live breeders

TSP store one

M 6T Pandie flame 300Ls
F 6T russ black w/odyssey cognac wine 250Ls
M 7T russian-black/odyssey cognac wine 250Ls
F Foxie (salt & pepper mask/odyssey cognac wine 250Ls
M 4T Pandie flame 200Ls
M 3T genesis-diamond IV /malachite 200Ls
M 7T red &white tabby 100L's
F 7T Balinese-seal lynx ret 100Ls
F 8T Balinese cream lynx ret 125Ls
F 8T bengal snow (retfur & ears) 125Ls
M 8T Balinese cream lynx (ret) 125Ls
M 8T Foxie S&P mask 125Ls
F 7T balinese seal lynx (ret) 100Ls
M 7T pandie flame/odyssey cognac wine 250Ls
F 7T balinese cream lynx/odyssey cognac wine 250Ls

REB store two

M 7T foxie -salt & pepper mask, odyssey cognac wine 250Ls
F 7T baliense cream lynx/odyssey cognac wine 250L
F 8T Balinese cream lynx (ret) 125Ls
M 5T bengal tawny/odyssey cognac wine 250Ls
M 6T burmese flame/odyssey cognac wine 250Ls
M 7T maine coon, plush calico washed 100Ls
M 8T Balinese cream lynx (ret fur) 125Ls
F 7T bengal tawny 100Ls
M 4T Pandie flame /caramel 250ls
M 7T Balinese cream lynx (ret fur) 100Ls
M 7T Siamese seal w/ soft fold(ret ears) 100Ls
F 9T Chateau cat -pink & white 1 -150Ls
F 7T Russian black 100Ls

more stock added to 50L 1-5 T random and 75 L 6T random
::F 6T Bengal snow(ret fur) 75Ls:: M 5T Genesis Domino V w/ 18 carot eyes::
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