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Full Version: Kitty Korner Sale St Patty Boy MEGA, Flame wskrs & More!
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? 5T Aussie Blue Mist, PSF
? ? Hard Boiled Bunny - Rainbow Flowers!
? ? Hard Boiled Bunny - Crazy Pink Dots-Teacup
? ? St. Paddy's Boy - Lucky Dream- MegaPuss (serious offers welcome, Send me a notecard)
*Under Costume 8T Abyssinian Ruddy, Fancie Rose Diamond (small), Blush, ORF, Wht Plush *

? 7T Siamese Chocolate Tortie, Changing Leaf, BB, Cur, Flame
? ? ? 9T Full sibling pair Abyssinian Dark Chocolate, Dry Olive, Flash, Plush, PSF, Wht (Mys)
? Genesis Flame IV, Pft Strawberry Bellini, TW, Plsh, PSF, Wht (Mys) Hides Aby Dark Chocolate, Dry Olive, Flash+
? 9T Abyssinian Ruddy, Strawberry Bellini, Porc, Cur, ORF, Wht (Plsh)
? 9T Chateau Cat Cocoa & White No. 1. Fancie Rose Diamond, TW, Fussy, ORF, Why (Plsh)
? 9T Bengal Snow, Fancie Indigo Diamond, Porc, Cur, Rnd, Wht (mys)
Heart Bump Smile
Heart Bump Smile
Heart Bump Smile
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