And just a tad overwhelmed.
I got two of the exact same cat as my starters. curious how that will pan out. I can literally get any cat right?
(03-16-2015 04:36 AM)BellaDonna Starflare Wrote: [ -> ]And just a tad overwhelmed.
I got two of the exact same cat as my starters. curious how that will pan out. I can literally get any cat right?
Hello! I'm relatively new here myself but I would suggest looking at the FAQ section. The kitties roughly follow Mendelian genetics, so each cat has a dominant and recessive "gene" for each of the nine traits. The starter cats have genesis traits as dominant traits that hide their recessive traits. Mating two starters gives you a 25% chance of getting non-genesis per trait. That being said, I mated my two starters and ended up with some homozygous dominant genesis traits...soooooo I would suggest finding a solidly traited cat to mate with your starters so you can pull out those recessive traits.
Hm. Any suggestions on a solid traited cat? Thaanks for your advice, Yeah.. I've yet to scratch the surface.
I was all set to bite it & spend 30$ on a DOTD cat, but then I saw that it was a genesis cat in a costume... that wouldn't have a chance of spawning more dotd kitties, or even pass on one of the traits.. If i understood correctly. What trickery is this? I still want one to permapet though.
welcome for Starters and yes you want to add non starters with your starters to pull the traits they are hiding to surface so to speak, I am still learning and relatively new myself. I would suggest their Our Cats section of forums and the information sections of forum as well, and the CSR's for KIttyCats are awesome and helpful and knowledgeable all else fails ask one of them
(03-16-2015 08:51 AM)BellaDonna Starflare Wrote: [ -> ]Hm. Any suggestions on a solid traited cat? Thaanks for your advice, Yeah.. I've yet to scratch the surface.
I was all set to bite it & spend 30$ on a DOTD cat, but then I saw that it was a genesis cat in a costume... that wouldn't have a chance of spawning more dotd kitties, or even pass on one of the traits.. If i understood correctly. What trickery is this? I still want one to permapet though.
Yes, unfortunately the costumes don't pass on, they're like seasonal specials, it would be so fun if they could! Some of them can have special babies though. You can find more info under "Our Cats." But there's a ton of other furs/traits and finding the pretty combinations is half the fun.
By solidly traited I mean basically anything that's mostly non-genesis. You can use a cat like this to identify the recessive traits in your starters, like Keitha said. There's a whole thread on secondary markets where you can find kitties like this.
Good luck,
Got me a pair of 8-9T that Im going to breed with my starters, although I am still sort of curious what the twins would have produced.
(03-16-2015 01:38 PM)BellaDonna Starflare Wrote: [ -> ]Got me a pair of 8-9T that Im going to breed with my starters, although I am still sort of curious what the twins would have produced.
Purrrrfect! You can always breed your starters together later too. I've been rotating partners lately just to see what will pop out

(03-16-2015 04:36 AM)BellaDonna Starflare Wrote: [ -> ]And just a tad overwhelmed.
I got two of the exact same cat as my starters. curious how that will pan out. I can literally get any cat right?
Hi BellaDonna and welcome to KittyCatS! Once addicted....

If you send me an IM inworld i am happy to help you to get started. Same for everyone else who has a quick Question.
Hope you will have lots of Fun, Boxes and hope you will enjoy your new KittyCatS as much we all do enjoy ours.
Kind regards, Julia
Welcome to the KittyCats boards - I do hope that you will like it here.
Wow I just saw your post! Welcome to Kittycats!!!